-Next Day-

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-Next Day-

Saaifa woke up early and went out to have a talk with Alex, but she couldn't find him. So she went out for a walk.

"Henry, you don't have to follow me literally everywhere," said Saaifa stomping her feet.

"W-well, Ma'am, please understand, It's my order not to leave you from my sight," said Henry.

"But it doesn't mean you have to literally follow me, it's weird," said Saaifa.

"I understand ma'am, but, I have no choice," said Henry. Saifa groaned.

"Why are you guys fighting now?" asked Alex, interrupting them.

"Good morning sir," said Henry, bowing to Alex.

Alex nodded back and looked at Saaifa.

"He is following me, literally everywhere I go," said Saaifa sighing.

"That's his job," said Alex, chuckling.

"It's weird," said Saaifa.

"You can leave now, I'll take care of her from here," said Alex.

Henry bowed and left.

"So, what were you doing?" asked Alex as they continued to walk.

"Just came to walk," said Saaifa.

"I see. Are you free today?" asked Alex.

"Yep," said Saaifa, looking around.

"That's great, I'm taking you out," said Alex, checking his phone.

"Where?" asked Saaifa.

"Surprise," said Alex winking.

"Go get ready and yes, of course, ask that lazy ass to get ready too," said Alex.

"Hey, don't call him that," said Saaifa.

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever. I'll be waiting in the parking lot," said Alex.

"Alright, I'll be back," said Saaifa, walking into the hotel.

She was amazed to see Joshua sleeping soundly.

"He is still sleeping?" asked Saaifa to herself. She walked to him and tried waking him up.

"Hey, baby wake up," said Saaifa, shaking him gently. He groaned.

"Joshua, are you that tired, baby?" she asked, gently.

"Baby," she whispered. He pulled her to the bed and closer to him. Saaifa gasped.

"Good morning, princess. you are up early," said Joshua, pulling her closer to him. The morning husky voice made her shiver.

"Good morning baby, it's pretty late," said Saaifa.

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