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"What the hell is this?" asked Joshua getting frustrated.

"This person is freaking playing with us," said Joshua angrily.

"They definitely know something about us," said Alex, taking the paper from Joshua.

"They? It's not only one person?" asked Joshua raising her eyebrows.

"Dude, why are you dumb? Do you have short-term memory loss?" asked Alex disappointed.

"Why?" asked Joshua getting confused.

"See the handwriting," said Alex, giving him both the papers.

"That's right, it's looking totally different," said Joshua.

"I'm worried about her," said Alex.

"If we both are receiving threats about her, then?" asked Joshua.

"Then, It's someone common for us both," said Alex.

"That's right, someone who wants to take us down," said Joshua placing the paper and the box in his cabinet.

"But, why her?" asked Alex confused.

"It's her, Because, she is common to us and we both have feelings for her," said Joshua.

"But, not a lot of people know it Joshua, only our close one knows it," said Alex.

"Yea, it's someone very close to us," said Joshua.

Before Alex could reply, Saaifa walked into the room.

"I'm sorry for not knocking," said Saaifa.

"No, that's alright sweetheart," said Alex.

"It's my freaking office room, Alex," said Joshua.

"Honey, Didn't I tell you earlier?" asked Alex walking towards Joshua.

"Oh, no don't start that again and stay right there, don't come near me," said Joshua walking away, Saaifa laughed at them.

"You guys are on good terms now?" asked Saaifa.

"Yes, he finally understood me," said Alex.

"But, I don't think you understood him," said Saaifa glaring at Alex.

"I did. I did realize my mistake and I'm very sorry for my mistakes guys," said Alex looking down.

"It's ok dude," said Joshua hitting Alex.

"Oww, that hurts," said Alex, They laughed at his reaction.

"Don't let the past be a roadblock for your friendship," said Saaifa smiling, Alex nodded smiling.

"I ordered lunch," said Saaifa.

"Oh, alright," said Joshua.

"Ok, I gotta go," said Alex.

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