Meanwhile in Alex's home

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Meanwhile in Alex's home

Alex didn't expect their friendship to end like that, it disturbed him a lot.

He locked himself in the room.

"Why do you lock yourself in the room, if you do something wrong?" asked his mom closing the door behind her, he teared up to see her. He hugged her and cried in her arms.

"What's wrong honey?" she asked patting his back, he told her everything, and she was shocked to hear that.

"Are you serious Alex?" asked his mom surprised, he just nodded yes.

"You know, what your dad did to that boy's family and still you are behaving like he didn't do anything wrong," said his mom moving away from him.

"Yes, I know Mom, But he is my dad for goddamn sake," he said getting frustrated.

"And that dad of yours killed Joshua's dad for money, Alex," she said.

"Yes Mom, I know everything, but aren't you sad that he is not with us anymore?" asked Alex.

"Who? Your dad, I was never sad that he is gone, that man was never loyal to me, he did a lot of dirty things to get popularity, he never cared for me, for us. He married me just for my dad's money," she said tearing up.

"You are lying," said Alex in a dry voice. she sobbed silently.

"I know you loved him, but he never loved you back," he said walking to his desk, taking a Polaroid photo of him and Saaifa.

"And I don't wanna make the same mistake, Mom," he said turning to her.

"I know dear, But don't force her, Never," she said.

"Ok, Thank you, Mom," he said with a small smile.

"Come on, I'm always there for you," she hugged her.

After taking a hot shower, Alex went to the office. When he was going through his schedule, someone busted into the room.

"Don't you know how to knock?" asked Alex raising his brows.

"I don't wanna waste my time, and I'm your VIP, right?" asked Joshua Smirking.

"No, you aren't," said Alex.

"Thank you," said Joshua sitting.

"Why are you here in my office?" asked Alex.

"I don't have the habit of coming to your house with some flowers, Alex," said Joshua smiling.

"What do you want?" asked Alex raising his brows.

"Stay away from her," said Joshua sternly.

"She went out with Emma and Ava, right?" Asked Alex smiling.

"'Stay away from her, or I swear I will make sure you live in hell," he said getting tensed.

"Are you dating her?" asked Alex.

"No," replied Joshua.

"Then, come on, I have a chance too, let's be fair," said Alex, keeping the file aside. Joshua raised her brows.

"She has nothing to do with the matter between us," Said Alex sitting on the desk opposite Joshua.

"That's something I should say, How dare you do that to her!?" yelled Joshua, pulling Alex's collar.

"J-Joshua, I-it was a mistake," said Alex, trying to get rid of his grip.

"What!? What was a mistake!? You hurt her and you call that a mistake!? You love her but you let your anger take over!?" yelled Joshua, He pushed Alex hard to the ground and was gonna throw a punch, but he stopped when he heard the clicking sound of heels.

"What are you boys doing?" asked Alex's mom.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" asked Alex, pushing Joshua and getting up.

"Just came to visit you," she answered.

"How are you, Mrs Laurence?" asked Joshua smiling.

"I'm fine Joshua, It's been so long, right?" she asked, smiling and she engulfed him in a hug.

"Yes, It's been so long, I miss your cooking," he said hugging back.

"Oh, Your mom learned it from me and the door is always open for you," she laughed and said.

"Yes, That's why I miss your cooking and thank you so much for the invitation," said Joshua chuckling.

"Saaifa cooks well right?" she asked raising her brows, It took time for Joshua to process.

"Yes Aunty, she does, she is good at baking," he said smiling.

Don't call me Aunty, I'm not old yet," she said hitting his arms. Joshua chuckled and nodded ok.

"So, what were you guys doing?" she asked, sitting down.

"just talking," said Alex clearing his throat.

"Yea, I saw that," said his mom eyeing them both.

"Nothing Aunty, just came to say something to him. Anyways, I have to leave. Bye" said Joshua, he hugged her and walked out of the office.

"What did he say?" asked his mom sitting on the couch.

"To stay away from her," said Alex.

"Mm Hmm," said his mom reading his schedule.

"Try speaking to her again, not now, later, and you both like her?" asked his mom raising her brows.

"Yea, I suppose," said Alex.

"That's unbelievable, Anyways, I was going to visit your sister, are you coming?" asked his mom.

"No Mom, got a lot of work to do," said Alex.

"Alright, bye," said his Mom, Hugged him and walked away. Alex sighed and continued his work.

After an hour, His secretary walked into the office with a package.

"Sir, the package was delivered for you," said his secretary.

"Keep it on the table," said Alex.

"Ok, sir," said the secretary, he kept it and walked away.

Alex was curious about who sent him the package, he walked towards the package and stared at it, he hesitated at first, but opened it. He was horrified when he opened it. The box was filled with some girl's hair, and he saw some pictures when he took them he was terrified. He saw pictures of Saaifa and her friends but Saaifa was circled with blood-red paint, in the back it was written

"This is the girl you treasure, right?"

*Pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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