-Next Day-

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-Next Day-

It was a pleasant morning, the three of them had breakfast and decided to step out for a while, They visited a lot of stores and stalls. It was soon time for a business meeting, so they went back to the hotel room and got ready.

"Saaifa, I'm leaving," said Joshua walking to the door,

"Alright, Bye, take care," said Saaifa smiling. Joshua smiled and kissed her,

"Bye, you too take care," whispered Joshua, Saaifa nodded and smiled. He kissed her forehead and left.

Saaifa took a bath and decided to go out as she was feeling bored, She went to the streets and found a lot of things out there, She walked through the flower shops and bookstores,

"Wow, the books in here are amazing!" exclaimed Saaifa, While she was going through the books, she bumped into a girl,

"Sorry," they said at the same time,

"No, It was my fault, I didn't look where I was going," said Saaifa,

"It's okay, wait! You look so similar, are you Saaifa?" asked the girl,

"Yea, do I know you?" asked Saaifa getting surprised,

"Oh my God!, Ms Saaifa, I'm a very big fan of your stories, I love your books a lot!" Exclaimed the girl,

"Oh, Thank you," said Saaifa realizing the fact she is an Author,

"Are you going to continue the series?" asked the girl,

"Yes, I'm working on it," said Saaifa smiling,

"Can I get a picture with you?" asked the girl taking her phone out,

"Sure," said saaifa, They took a selfie. The girl was very happy,

"My name is Amelia," said the girl extending her hand. Saaifa smiled and accepted,

"Are you free?? oh, I'm sorry, you might be with your boyfriend, I'm sorry for invading your personal space," said Amelia,

"No, It's all right, you don't have to ask Sorry and yes, I'm free," said Saaifa smiling,

"Then if you don't mind, can we hangout, please, I know it's all of sudden, but can we just have a coffee together, please?" asked Amelia,

"Yeah, sure," said Saaifa. They went to a cafe,

"This cafe is so new, and not many people are here,"  said Saaifa looking around,

"Well yeah, they opened the cafe last month and the caramel latte here is awesome and I want you to try it," said Amelia,

"Oh alright, Yeah sure, I will try it," said Saaifa,

"Alright, I will be back in a min," said Amelia walking to the counter,

"Should I text Him?" Thought Saaifa, she turned on the location on her phone and sent it to Joshua,

"Shit, He is in a meeting, What should I do?" Thought Saaifa looking around,

"Here, is your caramel latte!" exclaimed Amelia,

"Thank you," said Saaifa, She drank the latte hesitantly, and they had a small talk while drinking, Saaifa slowly passed out after drinking the latte,

"There, she passed out, My job is done," said Amelia,

"That was great acting baby!" exclaimed the guy and carried Saaifa somewhere, Amelia followed them.

-After an hour-

Saaifa woke up to a splash on her face,

"Um-," Struggled Saaifa,

"Oh, baby, you should have been a bit gentle," said the guy,

"Yeah, Amelia, you should have been a bit gentle," said Saaifa looking at Amelia,

"Look at this girl, she isn't even scared, I just want to kill her already," said Amelia rolling her eyes,

"Why so much hatred towards me, is it because of Joshua?" asked Saaifa smirking, Amelia punched Saaifa's face,

"Hey don't kill her, He wants her alive," said the guy pulling Amelia away,

"Issac?" asked Saaifa looking surprised,

"Suprised princess?" asked Issac waving at her,

"What are you doing here?" asked Saaifa,

"Well, helping my love," said Issac pulling Amelia closer to him,

"Your love?" asked Saaifa getting confused, Issac nodded at her,

"You are dating Amelia?" asked Saaifa,

"Yes," said Issac smiling,

"Wait, that means?" asked Saaifa widening her eyes,

"Yes, at the party I was there to kidnap you but, our first attempt failed, but this time, we didn't miss it," said Issac winking at her,

"Take care of her, I will be back," said Amelia walking away,

"Sure, Love," said Issac smiling,

"What in the world is going on?" asked Saaifa getting confused,

"I really love your books, your stories are really awesome, princess," said Issac smiling at her,

"Thank you," said Saaifa,

"Where in the world am I?" asked Saaifa,

"Somewhere far, where Joshua and Alex can't find you, princess," said Issac,

"Will you stop calling me that," said Saaifa looking disgusted, He suddenly grabbed her chin and held it tightly,

"Well, you are my princess, so I can call you that," he said moving closer to her,

"In your dreams," said Saaifa trying to pull away,

"Well, dreams come true, princess," he said grabbing her chin even more tightly,

"You want to live, then you should do as I say?" said Issac and He let go of her chin,

"I would rather die," said Saaifa, looking disgusted,

"Watch your mouth," Said Issac slapping her,

-In the Company-

"Why this company, out of all?" asked Alex,

"My dream project," said Joshua smirking,

"What? This one? seriously?" asked Alex raising his brows,

"You will understand later, Alex," said Joshua. They took an elevator to the meeting room, but before they could walk in, a guard stopped them,

"Sir, please put your phones on silent mode," said the guard, They did as he said, and then the guard checked Alex's and Joshua's suits.

"What is this for?" whispered Alex,

"You will understand it all later," whispered Joshua and winked at Alex. They walked into the room, employees were sitting and a chair turned towards the wall,

"Sir, they are here," whispered a guy to the man in the chair,

"Welcome, Long time no see," said the man, turning towards them. Alex froze on the spot when he saw the man,

*Pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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