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Alex's graduation day.

"Alex! You should wear the dress which mom bought for you" screamed his sister. 

"I know that. You don't have to say me," he replied coldly. 

"Bro, you still angry with me." asked his sister who was adjusting his tie. 

"Why are you here? Your husband wants money?" he questioned coldly. 

"Ok. I'm sorry for leaving you guys and marrying the guy I loved," she responded. 

"Loved? why? you don't love him anymore?" He asked coldly and walked away. 

"Mom, are you ready? it's getting late." Alex yelled, 

"Yes I'm ready!" she walked down the stairs. 

"Oh my god! My son looks handsome!!" she cried excitedly, Alex chuckled at the opinion. 

"Thank you mom" he responded. 

"OK, everyone is ready? asked his sister. 

"Yes! Let's go!" exclaimed his mother. They got into the car but his sister didn't start the car. 

"Who in the world are you waiting for?" asked Alex. 

"Yeah, it's getting late." said his mom.

 "Chill, Alex we have an important guest and there is she!!" exclaimed his sister.

 Alex looked out of the window and was stunned to see Saaifa wearing a long gown which was light blue and had some flowers on it, she looked elegant. 

" she looks beautiful," he said.

 "Yeah, I know right" replied his sister.

 Alex returned to his senses and just turned away. his mother chuckled seeing his action. 

"Hey, I'm sorry for being late," said Saaifa 

"That's alright, get in," said his sister.

 They reached their school, the program started, and Alex's mom cried seeing her son graduate. After the program, they took some photos and Alex's sister gave them a treat, they had a lot of fun but Alex wasn't enjoying it because he didn't like them but he hung out with them only because of Saaifa. It was late in the night, and Saaifa slept in the car. Alex carried her to her home and made her lie on the bed. She looked uncomfortable sleeping in that dress but he didn't want to wake her up. He went to his home and went to his sister's room.

"Can you help me?" asked Alex.

"You are asking me?" asked his sister pointing at herself and looking around.

"Y-yes," he said clearing his throat and looking away.

"Yes, of course, I can. What is it?" asked his sister smiling.

"I want you to change Saaifa's dress, she is drunk and she slept, so," said Alex clearing his throat.

"Alright, I will, don't worry," said his sister, tapping his shoulder and walking out.

They went to her home. His sister changed Saifa's dress and walked out of the room.

"Alright, Take care of her, she is drunk," said his sister smirking.

Alex cleared his throat and nodded. His sister smiled and went back. He walked into the room. He admired her and smiled remembering the fun she had, he kissed her forehead and went to sleep in the guest room.

*pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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