Meanwhile In the Mansion

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Meanwhile In the Mansion

Joshua was amazed to see Saaifa, She wasn't crying, she was silent the whole car ride. when they reached his house, she didn't get down, he pulled her out of the car and dragged her to the mansion.

"What do you want from me?" asked Saaifa.

"Wow, my girl got guts huh? I thought you would be like a girl in dramas, who cries, cries and cries," he said while moving close to her.

"Nah, I'm not that kind of girl, and I know he would come after you," said Saaifa.

"Who? Do you mean Alex? Nah, nah, I killed his dad and it's been almost 10 years since he didn't come after me and what made you think he would come after me, just for you?" he asked with his bows raised, Saaifa widened her eyes.

"You killed his dad also?" she asked while gasping,

"Oh yes, princess," he said while brushing her hair.

"You killed my biological parents just for the company, but why his dad?" she asked raising her voice.

"Killing your parents was a mistake princess, I mistook your parents, I thought it was Alex's parents but it wasn't and I'm sorry for that, I killed his dad but my bad I left his mom and now she is the CEO of the company, I thought she wouldn't do anything but she proved wrong," said Joshua, Saaifa stayed silent, she couldn't say a word.

Joshua sighed, "Ok, let's not talk about it, come on, lemme show you, your room," he said and dragged her.

"Here! This is our room," said Joshua while smiling.

"Our room? there is no way I'm sharing a room with you," she said.

"There are a lot of rooms here, but you are not allowed to use any of those," said Joshua.

"Why? Is it because you sleep with some random sluts there?" asked Saaifa,

Joshua chuckled, "No princess, I never slept with anyone, I'm all yours, just yours," he whispered in her ears and kissed her neck and that gave her shivers down her spine.

"And don't worry, I won't do anything to you, you are still a minor, you have one more year to become an adult," he said while smiling.

Saaifa cleared her throat and said "Don't come any closer," and pushed him. Joshua chuckled and said "Alright, your clothes are there in that closet, take a shower and come downstairs," and walked out.

"Wow, What's going on in my life? a drama? why don't I feel like crying?" she asked herself while she was picking a dress. She took a shower, went downstairs, and saw Joshua waiting for her at the dining table.

"he is handsome? or hot? damn this guy is wow, he didn't even change a bit," she thought to herself.

"What in the world is wrong with me?? I'm going crazy over a guy who killed my parents??" she mentally slapped herself and sat far away from Joshua.

"Oh, you here? why so far princess? I won't eat you alive," he said while moving closer to her.

"Why I'm here Joshua? What do you want from me," asked Saaifa.

"Love, I love you Saaifa and I want you to love me back, I know you can't because of your parents, It was a mistake and I'm sorry for that and I would do anything for you to fall in love with me," he said while smiling.

Saaifa just rolled her eyes and ate her dinner. She finished her dinner, kept the plates in the kitchen and walked to the room without speaking a word, Joshua followed her to the room.

"He--" he was gonna say something but she cut him off.

"I'm sleepy and don't even think of touching me, I will show you hell if you do," she said while glaring at him.

"Oh, You will show hell to me?" he asked while smiling.

"Yes, and stop smiling at me," she said while glaring at him.

"Alright, alright, good night princess," he said and laid down next to her, he thought it would be hard for her to fall asleep but to his surprise, she fell asleep in a minute he chuckled and pulled her into his arms and slept.

*Pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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