The door swung open and Ezra was shocked to see his family in a pitiful state

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The door swung open and Ezra was shocked to see his family in a pitiful state.

"Welcome uncle," said Alex smiling at him.

"Alex let them go, this is between us," said Ezra.

"No, This is between us," said Saaifa, grabbing their attention. Ezra sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Saaifa, don't get on my nerves," said Ezra.

"We all have a part in this problem," said Joshua glaring.

"Let them go, kids. Then we would talk," said Ezra sighing. 

"What made you think, we would do that?" asked Joshua walking to his wife. 

"DON'T. DO. ANYTHING. TO. HER." exclaimed Ezra walking towards them.

"Take one more step, and I will shoot her," said Joshua pointing the gun at her head. 

Ezra froze on the spot.

"Don't do anything to her, kid," said Ezra, taking a small step. Joshua sighed, loaded the gun and shot the ground.

"I asked you to stay, where you are," said Joshua looking at Ezra. 

"Alright," said Ezra. He looked at them and then kneeled down, and he sighed. 

"Please, let them go," said Ezra looking down.

"Dad!  get up!" exclaimed Amelia, she was shocked to see her dad like that.

"Please!" exclaimed Ezra. Joshua cleared his throat and looked at Alex.

Alex smiled and winked at him. Joshua chuckled.

"Dad! Stop begging them!" exclaimed Amelia. 

"Will you stop screaming, my head hurts," said Alex shooting her. 

The sudden event left everyone stunned and speechless, causing a deafening silence to fill the air.

"Oh my! Is she dead? I swear I didn't mean to do it," said Alex, extending his smirk.

Ezra's mom ran to her dead daughter's body and cried in vain. Ezra cooled himself and walked to his wife. 

"It's alright," said Ezra Patting her.

"Yeah, of course, it would be alright, that's all you care about Amelia right? first of all you never even cared for her, right!?" yelled Issac. 

"What wrong did she do? why did you make her fall into the dirty pit of yours? She loved you more than herself!" Yelled Issac. He pulled Ezra's collar and threw a punch. Ezra fell down

"It was all because of you! She died because of you, you sick old man! I swear, your death is in my hands," said Issac throwing punches at Ezra. Ezra couldn't defend himself, he lost consciousness.

"Off," exclaimed Alex.

"This isn't even included in our plan," said Joshua walking to Alex.

"But still, I like it," said Alex chuckling.

"You just killed her?" asked Saaifa, amazed. Alex nodded.

"Stop them, one of them will definitely die," said Joshua looking at Issac and Ezra. They were amazed to see Ezra lying on the ground unconsciously.

"Man, you are indeed powerful," said Alex walking to them.

"How dare you!" exclaimed Issac punching Alex.

Alex groaned and moved back.

"Arghh," Alex groaned and moved back. He threw a punch at Issac, then, loaded his gun and pointed at Issac.

"You think I'm scared of it?" said Issac kicking the gun from Alex's gun and pushing it away. Alex sighed and looked at Joshua.

"Issac, calm down," said Saaifa walking to him.

"Saaifa, that guy. He killed my love," said Issac.

"You loved her dearly, but did she love you back the same way?" asked Saaifa looking at him. Issac sighed and shook his head no.

"Then?" asked Saaifa.

"But-" Saaifa broke him off.

"You deserve better, Issac," said Saaifa patting his back.

"Now help me, dude," said Alex chuckling.

"That hurts?" asked Issac pointing to the wounds.

"Woah man, you are too strong," said Alex groaning. Issac chuckled and pulled him up.

"Tie him up," said Alex showing Ezra. Issac nodded and did as he asked.

"Saaifa, would you please tie up that lady for me?" asked Alex looking at Ezra's wife. saaifa nodded and Tied her up.

Alex sighed and Sat down and waited. He smirked when he saw Ezra, tied up.

"Do you know why I was beating around the brush till now?" asked Alex.

"No," said Ezra.

"I was beating around the brush, till now because I didn't have any power, uncle. But now I'm the CEO of a very successful company, so I can cover up things pretty quickly. I had to wait for a perfect time and now I have it," said Alex smirking. 

"Now what? Kill me right?" asked Ezra struggling. Alex laughed and shook his head no.

"You should watch, everything of your going down one by one, and then Die," said Alex, smiling. Ezra's eyes grew wider and turned away. Alex walked to him and Pulled Ezra's face.

"You know what my dad asked for? He asked For a peaceful death," said Alex, his eyes showed all the hatred and anger he was holding back. Ezra smirked.

"Now what uncle? Let me show your first loss," said Alex turning and shooting Ezra's wife.

"NOOO!" exclaimed Ezra.

"Hey, I didn't start my work," said Alex, smirking.

"Clean it up," said Alex. He gave the gun to Henry and walked out.

Henry bowed and started his work. Joshua and Saaifa were frozen, they were processing what just happened.

"What was that?" asked Saaifa, clearing her throat.

"Just Alex things," said Joshua smirking.

"Let's go," said Joshua, pulling Saaifa with him.

*Pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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