-After 4 months-

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-After 4 months-

It's been 4 months, and Alex is fully trained, as he was a fast learner it was easy for him. He became colder than before, He doesn't talk properly to anyone, he stays in the room with files from his company. Finally, it was the day when Alex took the CEO position.

"Alex are you ready?" asked his sister.

"Yes," he said walking out of his room, his sister saw the way he tied his tie messy.

"You still don't know how to fix your tie properly?" asked his sister who was correcting the tie.

"Aren't you angry?" asked Alex ignoring her question.

"Why would I be angry?" she asked raising her brows.

"Mom didn't give you the position but she gave me" he responded.

"There must be a reason," she said smiling, he just hummed in response.

"Ok, let's go," she said picking up the keys.

"I will drive," said Alex grabbing the keys from her. It took 35 mins to reach the company. When they reached everyone greeted them and the ceremony took place.


In Joshua's home

It had been four months, and Saaifa was in Joshua's home. They got very close, and Saaifa finally forgave him for leaving her without saying a word. Today Saaifa was in the hall and Alex was in the kitchen,

"Joshua!" screamed Saaifa.

"Yes! What's wrong!?" asked Joshua frightened and running to the hall.

"It's been four months since I came here, right?" she asked.

"Yea, that's right princess," he said while looking at her.

"I want to meet my parents," she said.

"Why?" he asked sternly.

"Joshua, it's been 4 months, they would be sick worried about me, I will just go say to them that I'm moving out from that house, Please," she asked.

"Alright, but on one condition," he said sitting near her.

"What is it?" she asked excitedly.

"You can't meet or talk with Alex," he said sternly. She gulped and nodded ok.

"Ok then, let's go," he said walking out. they reached her home.

"Remember the condition princess?" he asked while caressing her hair.

"Yes," she said and walked out and went to her home, when she walked towards the door, one of the guards followed her.

"Umm, you will come in?" she asked confusingly.

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