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  At school

They both Just got ready to go to school without speaking. Saaifa was all shy, she kept avoiding him. On the other hand, Alex was enjoying the way she kept running away from him even in school. It was break time, and Saaifa was not in the right state, the incident that happened last night kept flashing in her mind, she mistakenly hit a guy while walking and the tray that the guy had in his hands fell.

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you alright?" she asked her apologies. when she looked at the guy, it was James. No one dared to complain about him because the school president was his father.

"Look what we got dudes," said James.

"Yes, and she isn't with her friends, so it's gonna be fun now!" spoke one of his friends.

"I told you guys sorry, now leave me alone," told Saaifa.

"No, darling I'm not letting you go today," said James, and he tried coming close to her, But she started running, and they chased her. suddenly someone pulled her into the chemistry room, she was about to scream.

"It's me," said Alex, shutting her up. She looked at him and calmed down, 

"Whydo you scream? you want me to kiss you? so that you will keep quiet?" asked Alex.

"N-no," said Saaifa. She blushed hard when she saw how close they were. Alex kept checking out of the door if the boys passed by or not.

"Did they hurt you?" he questioned. he was confused when he didn't receive any reply from her. when he looked at her that's when he realized how close they were and he smirked seeing the way she was blushing. She widened her eyes and looked away.

"did they go?" she asked

"idk" he replied,

"Are you serious? what are you doing?" she questioned

"Nothing just having fun with what's mine" he answered

"You know right? we shouldn't enter the chemistry lab?" she said,

"Why?" he asked.

"because someone was killed here," she said

"I see" he responded. he didn't care about that kind of stuff, because she was with him, he looked at her lips and was leaning in, Saaifa just closed her eyes and the bell tolled revealing that the 2nd last period started. Alex just closed his eyes in frustration and moved away from her and pulled her with him to the class. During class time Saaifa was thinking about the way Alex looked at her in the chemistry lab and was getting shy.

The bell rang, but Saaifa was deep in her thoughts.

"Are you thinking about me?" asked Alex sitting near to her.

"No!" exclaimed Saaifa.

"Hey, alright chill. I was just kidding," said Alex, chuckling.

"Come on, I'll walk you home," said Alex.

"O-ok," said Saaifa, packing her things.

  While walking Alex asked, "What did you mean by someone dead in the chemistry lab?"

"do you remember last year's practical exam? a boy was dead in the chemistry lab on the last day of a practical exam, his hands were burned by the acid, and he was beaten to death" she answered

"Oh, what a nice story," he said,

"Alex, this isn't a story, and the teachers in our school still believe that the boy's soul is still in the school," she spoke while glaring at him.

"Alright, Alright it's not a lie, happy?" he asked, she nodded yes

"but then why didn't it haunt us when we were in the lab?" he questioned, she shrugged.

 "Your mom is back home?" asked Saaifa.

"Yes," he answered,

she hummed and looked down thinking she would be alone as he would be going today.

"Hey, how about we hang out?" she asked excitedly,

"Finals are near Saaifa, we should study," he said coldly,

"iceberg" she whispered.

"you said something?" he asked

"Nope," she replied.

they reached their home and bid goodbyes. Alex was sad as he turned her down on the other side Saaifa was sad that she wouldn't get more time to spend with Alex. She was so tired, she went to take a shower. She entered the shower and closed her eyes, The moments with Alex for the past few days flashed into her mind.

"Arghh!! I just wanna kill him," she said.

"I don't even like him, so why in the world do I keep thinking about him?" she questioned herself.

she dried herself and put on her pyjamas. when she went downstairs she was amazed to see Alex.

"Oh, you took a bath? Come, let's eat pizza, My treat" He said,

her eyes lit up when she saw him. She ran and got the pizza from his hand.

"Chill sweetheart, it's all yours," he said

"Thank you!!!" she said cutely.

they watched a movie and had dinner together.

"When is your family coming back?" he asked,

"I'm not sure" she answered,

"Alright then, I'm gonna sleep," he said and walked towards the guest room.

"aren't you going home?" she asked

"I'm home" he replied, and she glared at him.

"Ok, see I'm staying here till your family comes back" he replied again,

"oh, you care for me?" she asked,

"Yeah, I do," he said while sliding his hand in the pockets and leaning to the wall, looking hot.

 "Damn, isn't this the shirt I gifted him on his last birthday? This guy looks hot in everything." she thought and her cheeks turned cinnamon red, she looked away. Alex smirked seeing her state.

Alex: Anyways, What----

Saaifa cut him off and said " Good Night" and rushed to her bedroom.

 "She is too cute to handle," said Alex, chuckling.

The finals started and it was a stressful week. Saaifa stressed herself a lot because it was her 2nd last year in that school. After 2 weeks of stressful exams, it was Alex's graduation day.

*pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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