It took her 10 minutes for her to get ready

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It took her 10 minutes for her to get ready.

"I just gave you 5 minutes, Miss," said Joshua waiting for her.

"Sorry baby, for taking time," said Saaifa, pecking his lips.

"It's alright," said Joshua, smiling.

"Alright, where are we going?" asked Saaifa, smiling.

"Come with me," said Joshua pulling her.

They knocked and waited for Alex to open the door.

"When did I call you guys, and when are you coming?" asked Alex, looking annoyed.

"Not me, it was your best friend," said Joshua looking at Saaifa.

Saaifa widened her eyes.

"You never told me, we were coming to Alex's room, I wouldn't have taken this long, I thought you were taking me on a date!" exclaimed Saaifa.

"I thought of taking you on a date, but then Alex invited us," said Joshua. Alex widened his eyes and looked at Joshua. Joshua smiled and winked at Alex.

"Why did you call us, Alex?" asked Saaifa raising her brows.

"O-oh, well, Saaifa, I-I wanted to have fun with you guys," said Alex smiling.

"Oh, I see, so where are we going?" asked Saaifa.

"Not out, let's stay in today, come in," said Alex.

"Alright," said Joshua walking in.

"Ok, fine," said Saaifa following Joshua.

"So, what are we doing?" asked Joshua.

"Let's play some games!" exclaimed Alex, smiling.

"I'm in!" exclaimed Saaifa, laughing.

Both the best friends had a lot of fun playing a lot of games. Joshua was there with them, but he spent most of his time watching her play.

"Woah, this is real fun!" exclaimed Saaifa jumping on Joshua's back.

Joshua chuckled and carried her around.

"Hey Saaifa, I give you 5 minutes to write a poem, let's see how good you are at it," said Alex giving her a pen and paper.

"5 minutes?? too less, give me more time," said Saaifa.

"Alright, then how about 15 minutes, not more than that," said Alex.

"Ok, then," said Saaifa sitting on the bed.

While Saaifa was writing a poem, Joshua and Alex were discussing what to do next.

"I'm done!" said Saaifa, after an hour.

"Guess, How long you took," said Alex.

"Maybe 20?" asked Saaifa,

"You took an hour, Saaifa," said Alex.

"Oh," said Saaifa smiling, awkwardly.

"Fine, anyways, Finished?" asked Alex.

"Yes!" exclaimed Saaifa.

"Read it," said Alex. Saaifa sat opposite them.

"Something in those eyes,



I don't know how to describe it,

But I can say, those eyes are like a spell,

Once you look into them, you can't look away.

It's like an ocean of the universe, you can dive into it,


Now, I know how to describe those eyes.

It's like a spell. Once you look, you can't look away. 

It's just so perfect!

Oh my, god has created a wonderful piece of art! just so perfect.

Those eyes scream love,

When they look into mine. He looks at me with love and care.

I'm truly blessed!

Yes, but do I deserve it?"

Completing her poem, Saaifa looked at Joshua and smiled. He smiled back and pulled her into a  hug.

 "You are all, I have Saaifa," said Joshua, pulling her into a soft, slow kiss.

"I love you," whispered Joshua.

"I love you, too," said Saaifa smiling.

"I love you, more," said Joshua.

"Yes, you truly deserve it," said Alex, chuckling.

"The way this guy cares for you and the way he treats you and the way he looks at you, he truly loves you a lot," said Alex, smiling.

Saaifa smiled hearing Alex.

"Ok, I cooked lunch and who wants to taste it?" asked Alex, excited. Joshua's and Saaifa's smiles dropped.

"You cooked?" asked Joshua.

"You don't even like doing it," said Saaifa.

"I cooked once for you," said Alex.

"Yeah, you did," said Saaifa.

"Then, what are we waiting for?" asked Alex, pulling them both to the dining. Saaifa quietly ate the food but Joshua didn't even touch the food.

"What's wrong with you?" whispered Saaifa.

"The food is good? I can't trust him, what if he poisoned it?" asked Joshua, in a low tone. Saaifa choked on her food.

"Joshua, seriously?" asked Saaifa. Joshua smiled at her.

"Anything wrong?" asked Alex sitting with them.

"Why didn't you eat?" asked Alex looking at Joshua's plate.

"Nope, nothing wrong," said Saaifa continuing to eat.

"Joshua?" asked Alex, raising his brows.

"It's yummy," said Joshua eating it.

"Thank you," said Alex smiling.

After eating, they had a small talk. Saaifa slept, so Joshua took her to their room. After placing her comfortably on the bed, he locked the door and walked back to Alex's room.

*Pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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