"Hey guys, I just finished cooking, come on," said Saaifa, sitting

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"Hey guys, I just finished cooking, come on," said Saaifa, sitting.  Joshua sat next to her and pecked her. She smiled.

"Um, Saaifa, Can we ask you something?" asked Alex.

"Yeah, what is it?" asked Saaifa, serving them the food.

"You know that, we caught, Ezra, Toren and Kai," said Alex.

"Yeah," said Saaifa, eating her food.

"The next one is Atticus," said Alex.

"Ok," said Saaifa, waiting for him to continue.

"He is a tough one and we need your help in this one," said Alex.

"My help?" asked Saaifa, looking at him.

"Yeah," said Alex.

"You asked him?" asked Saaifa, looking at Joshua.

"Yeah, I asked him," said Alex.

"What did he say?" asked Saaifa.

"He said no. I told him, we can ask your opinion too," said Alex.

"Alex, he said no, then how can you expect me to say yes," said Saaifa.

"Saaifa, you won't get hurt, I promise," said Alex, messing his hair.

"It's not about getting hurt, Alex," said Saaifa.

"Saaifa, speak for yourself, can you? don't live on other people's opinions. During your school time, you did what your parents asked you to do. In school, you would trust anyone, but now him. yes I know, Joshua would never cause any harm, but don't you think, you are losing yourself?" asked Alex.

"Alex, I'm not living in other people's opinion," said Saaifa.

"Think about yourself," said Alex.

"I'm just scared," said Saaifa.

"When will you face it? I want you to face it Saaifa, I don't want you to run away," said Alex.

"Yeah, he got a point," said Joshua.

"You are the one who said no," yelled both of them.

"I did. I did, but I said no because I didn't want you to get hurt. But then, if I talk from Alex's point of view, he is indeed right, you have to face them and you have me, you have us, you don't have to fear," said Joshua. Saaifa sighed and thought about it for a while.

"Alright, I'm in," said Saaifa. Alex's smile widened.

"That's my girl," whispered Joshua and bit her earlobe. Saaifa chuckled and nudged him.

"What's the plan?" asked Saaifa.

"Ok, well" Alex narrated the plan.

"Wait, I have to do only that?" asked Saaifa. Alex nodded.

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