Next day

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Next day

In Joshua's home

Joshua was disturbed by yesterday's incident a lot, he couldn't sleep properly. He woke up early.

"Hey, you didn't sleep? It's just 5 in the morning," asked Saaifa walking into the kitchen.

"Oh, Good morning. No, I did sleep well," said Joshua, pecking her lips, she smiled in return.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, picking her up and placing her on the counter.

"Yes," she said trying to get down.

"What are you trying to do?" asked Joshua blocking her from getting down.

"I'm gonna cook," said Saaifa.

"Nope, it's my day," said Joshua and she smiled. He leaned closer, but the doorbell rang, he groaned in annoyance and Saaifa laughed. Joshua answered the door and was stunned by the guest.

"Didn't Saaifa say you not to answer the door shirtless?" asked Alex raising his brows.

Before Joshua could answer, Alex walked into the house, when he was looking around, he saw Saaifa walking into the hall.

"Hey! Good Moring Saaifa," Said Alex smiling. Saaifa was confused to see Alex.

"Oh, Mr Alex, I never got the chance to introduce her to you," said Joshua walking towards Saaifa.

"This is Saaifa, my girlfriend and Saaifa, this is Alex," said Joshua smiling.

"You guys are dating?" asked Alex.

"Yes," said Joshua, back hugging her.

"And when did this happen?" asked Alex looking confused.

"Yesterday night," said Joshua, smirking.

"After leaving me alone?" asked Alex.

"Yep!" exclaimed Joshua.

"You met him yesterday?" asked Saaifa turning to Joshua.

"Yea, he went on a date with me when you were out with your friends," said Alex smiling making Saaifa confused.

"You can ask him yourself, ask him if he drank coffee yesterday in the cafe that is opposite my office," said Alex sitting on the sofa.

"Did you?" asked Saaifa raising her brows, Joshua nodded his head yes and no.

"That's a long story," said Joshua walking to Alex.

"You got the address?" asked Joshua.

"Yes, of course, when are you taking me there? we will have fun in the night, right?" asked Alex wiggling his eyebrows.

"Joshua, are you-"

"No, Saaifa, he is just playing," said Joshua cutting her off.

"Alright," said Saaifa surprising her laugh.

"Let's go to my office room," said Joshua pulling Alex behind. Alex winked at Saaifa before walking away.

"It seems like they were close," said Saaifa walking to the kitchen.

In the office room

"What the hell Alex? What was that?" asked Joshua closing the door.

"Just having some fun, It's been so long since I saw her laugh, so yea," said Alex sitting on the chair, Joshua nodded silently.

"So, what did you get?" asked Joshua.

"The Address was your office, Joshua," Said Alex giving the paper to Joshua.

"What?" Asked Joshua in confusion.

"Yes, But there is no name, and I'm confused," said Alex.

"Y-," a door knock cut Joshua off.

"Yes, please come in," said Alex.

"It's my Office room, Alex," Said Joshua.

"Whatever is yours is mine too honey," said Alex, Joshua looked at him in disgust, Saaifa laughed at them this time.

"Finally, I made you laugh," said Alex.

"You never change? You are literally a CEO now Alex," Said Saaifa shaking her head in disagreement.

"For you, I would never change, sweetheart," said Alex looking into her eyes, Saaifa cleared her throat.

"Joshua, You got a package," said Saaifa, Alex was stunned because it was the same box he had received.

"Thank you, Saaifa for bringing it here," said Joshua taking the package from her.

"You're welcome," said Saaifa smiling, she walked away closing the door behind her.

"I'm gonna slit you thorat if you call sweetheart again," said Joshua.

"I swear, you already asked her out?" asked Alex.

"Yes and we are dating, you don't have a chance babe," said Joshua smiling.

"Seriously?" asked Alex annoyed.

"Yes," said Joshua.

"You gotta thank me," said Alex.

"Why?" asked Joshua.

"I took good care of her when you left her or let's simply put when she needed you the most, you left her," said Alex.

"I had my reasons Alex," said Joshua.

"What? Amelia was waiting for you there at the airport. for god's sake she actually never liked you, Joshua. You left Saaifa for Amelia, seriously? Does Saaifa know that? No, but still she forgave you," said Alex Annoyed.

"It's past, Alex," said Joshua in a low voice.

"Yes, even Saaifa's pain is the past, right?" asked Alex.

"Alex please," said Joshua.

"Fine," said Alex and Joshua sighed. there was an awkward silence. before it gets more awkward, Joshua spoke.

"It looks like, the one I received in my office," said Alex walking to the table.

"You are right," said Joshua, opening the package.

"Red spider lily?" asked Joshua taking the flower from the box.

"Wait," Said Alex. He searched for it on his phone.

"It's Lycoris," said Alex putting back his phone.

"Lycoris?" asked Joshua in confusion.

"Red spider lily is also known as Lycoris and symbolises death," said Alex gulping.

"what do you mean?" asked Joshua looking at the flower.

"Are there any photos?" asked Alex taking the flower from Joshua.

"Yes," said Joshua, taking the pictures. It was Pictures of Alex and Saaifa walking home from school.

"I don't feel right about this thing," said Alex, taking the pictures from Joshua. He turned the picture and was more frightened when he saw the same red blood paint.

"What's written?" asked Joshua, taking the picture from Alex, It was written.

"It's almost time for it,"

*Pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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