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Next Morning

Saaifa woke up and felt something heavy on her waist when she turned around, She was amazed to see Alex holding her and sleeping, she removed his hands and ran to the washroom.

"What does he think of himself? My boyfriend?" she questioned herself.

"Arghh, we both don't have feelings for each other and I know he is doing this out of pity. Does he think I still can't get over that?" she asked herself and went to take a shower. While she was drying her hair, she thought about the odd things about her village, she was too into the thoughts she almost wounded herself, Alex pulled the dryer from her hands.

"Are you out of your mind!? you almost hurt yourself Saaifa!" he yelled.

"H-hey, I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something, I didn't notice the dryer," she replied.

Alex sighed, "What were you thinking about and why are you up early in the morning?  you can try to get some sleep," he said while he was offing the dryer.

"O-oh, it's nothing and I'm not sleepy, go take a shower and come down, I'm going," she rushed out of her room, not letting Alex speak another word.

Alex sighed again and went to freshen up himself. Saaifa went down and saw her dad and stayed for him to wish her but he just smiled and turned around to watch the television and this made Saaifa worry more.

"This is not what he does every morning, even if he is upset he gives me a forehead kiss and wishes me good morning, what is wrong here? something is off here, should I just check it with mom?" she thought to herself and walked to the kitchen.

"Mom, can I get some cashew cookies?" she asked her mom.

"Sure sweety," her mom gave her the jar with trembling hands and Saaifa was stunned to see that because she has a cashew allergy her mom gave her the cookies.

"Mo--", someone cut her sentence off.

"Tsk, tsk, Mrs Noah I told you to give her everything she wanted, so she doesn't doubt us, but I didn't tell, you to give her a thing that would kill her," the boy chuckles and comes out from the shadows.

"I'm sorry Mr Joshua," said her mom who was trembling.

"Mom, what's going on and who are you, mister?" asked Saaifa.

"Oh me? I'm the boss for them, but for you, I'm your boyfriend? or maybe your Future Husband? I'm anything for you princess," he said while smiling, Saaifa was stunned when she heard him.

"First of all, I'm not your princess or whatever Mister and I have a boyfriend," she said without thinking twice.

"It's Baby for you Princess, not Mister, you can call me baby and your boyfriend, are you talking about the guy taking a bath upstairs? don't worry, I'm going to kill him just to make you mine. From the maths teacher who made a fuss with you and the guy who tried playing with you, I killed them all, don't worry," he said while smirking, Saaifa widened her eyes.

"Okay, let's not waste time princess, I'm here to take you with me, come on, let's go. Guards take her to my car," he said and watched her getting dragged to his car, she cried, and told him to let her go but all in vain.

when they walked out of the house, her mom broke down in tears, she dropped the glass jar that was in her hand, and Alex who just came out of the shower heard the noise and rushed downstairs. When he reached the kitchen he saw Saaifa's parents crying and the broken jar, he rushed to them.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" he panicked.

"H-he c-came and t-took her w-with h-him," said her mom who was crying.

"Who took whom??" he was losing his patience.

"Joshua came back Alex, Now there is no way we will get saaifa back," said her father who was comforting her mom. Alex widened his eyes when he heard Joshua's name.

"I was expecting this uncle, But I didn't know he would do it this fast, Just wait Joshua, Let me also Start my hunt,"  thought Alex. 

"Take me back home Noah, I don't want to stay here, it's not safe for my other two kids," said her mom.

"Alright, pack up, we will leave today, Alex can you drive us back to the city," asked her dad.

"Yea, sure uncle, I will go get ready," said Alex, her dad nodded in agreement. Alex went up to pack his things, and when he closed the door behind him, He broke down in tears, he sat and cried silently, "I never thought that everyone I love would leave me, First it was my dad now her, just why?" he asked himself.

"Alex can we leave?" shouted Saaifa's dad from downstairs.

"Yes, sure uncle" replied Alex while wiping his tears away. The car ride was silent, they reached the city in the evening, and Saaifa's parents thanked him and went to their home, Alex was very miserable, he just walked into his home and when he was going to his bedroom, his mom stopped him.

"Hey honey, you are back early?" asked his mom.

"Yea mom, her parents came, you should go visit them," said Alex.

"Alright, I'm going right away, you must be tired, have a good night," said his mom, hugged him and left him, Alex didn't mind changing his clothes, he just went to his bed and slept.

*Pls ignore my grammatical mistakes*

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