chapter 1

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"Here have some foods ,you didn't eat before leaving in your house your mom told me to give this to you"

cloud give her friend a cold stear before she take the lunch box

"I told you don't interrupt me while I'm doing my thing "cloud
said before she opened her book

" Well Sorry 'bout that, but I just following what your mom told me ,give you a foods and please cloud , don't starve yourself "
last word her friend said before leaving her in the library

"What a messed"cloud said ,she wore her eyeglasses before start reading her book again

while she's seriously reading a book someone came up to her and greet her

"Hey ,your name is cloud perez Right,can I ask you about something?"
cloud did not bother to look to that person ,she keep her eyes in the book she's reading


"Hey nerd don't you think you're being rude right now?"
could did not bother,she did not talk nor did not flinch on that person

"how dare you?!"before she gets a slap ,cloud closed her book and
Give that person coldest stare

"leave "cloud cold told said but the person in front of her did not scared

"or what ?"cloud got up on the chair and slow gets her face near to that person

cloud did not talk but keep her cool and continue look into that persond eyes

cloud still looking to her like she's the most weirdo's person in the world


"Wh-whatever weirdo"she ran away


"Good afternoon sir "all of the students greet to their teacher

"Afternoon sit-down"they follow it and began to sit

"So class let's start the class"

cloud did not bother to listen because,she who advance reading know the discussion,she look in the window where she at sit and
look up in the sky

she closed her eyes for a second before she opened it again and look her way on the field and then her eyes land on the person that she didn't like in the first place

"What a messed"cloud said before she take away her eyes on that person and look in front we're her teacher discuss their lecture for today's on

cloud perez in known as cold nerd in the school,she don't like noisy person or noisy places, she's Smart and simple girl,she prepair to be alone and want to be alone most of the time and she really like reading books,listen music ,she don't like to socialized to people but have one friend 'kay' her childhood friend and the only person who knows her much ,other than her mother

cloud's mother is a single parent because her mother got divorce with her father

her mother is the only person raising her in her childhood that's why ,cloud promise to herself that she will never be a boredom to her mom or a bother person so cloud learn to become independent person

their not rich like the others but they know how to respect other people


her mother own a small coffee shop

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