chapter 6

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"how's you're sleep?"


"Here eat "

Mother give me a bowl of riceball with meat in there
I accept it and say thank you before eating it

"It's weekend today? Aren't you going out today"
She ask

"No " I drink the glass of water and start eating apple

"Good morning mama !"

"Oh Kay you're here come here,come we're eating breakfast right now ,join us "

I shake my head before start eating again

She sit next to me

"Morning bud how are you?"

My mother give her a plate and she accepted it and say thank you to my mother

"not fine"

"Why's that?"

"Because you're here"

I look at her with no expression as usual

She gives me a smirk she's annoying me again and I really hate that because the more I get my temper she will keep annoying me

"What are you doing here?"

I give her a snack and sit at the chair of are small veranda

"Did you forget already ?I told you , you're coming with me in a party because one of my friends will throw a party "

"And I'm not coming with you"

"Yes you are"



"Enough "



"Then come with me at the party at nine pm it will start it later "


"Why so mean? Bud "

"Enough if you continue to annoy me and keep talking about that party don't talk to me "

"I know you will come "

She said I turn my back on her start walking away and go inside at the  house

"I will wait for you there wouldn't wanted you're friend to be waisted right,see you there!"

She shout

what a pain in the ass


"Ryle what's the matter?"

I hurried to come in he's way and sit down next to him

"Ryle?" I call he's name but he's ramain quite

"ryle if you would'nt tell what's the problem--

He interrupt me

"I don't know what to do now rain"

He heavy sign and look up and look at me

"I'm to handsome and I can't simple deal with it"

And he comp he's hair up like he's indorsering a shampoo or hair spray or what you called that thing what so ever

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