chapter 37

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"it's nice finally meeting you cloudia"
I smile at her but I'll i can see in her eyes is range and anger

"Would you mind if you let me in? "
I asked

I know she's mad and want to hurt me but he choose not to

"She's you're daughter? "
I asked while looking at the girl on the picture frame

"She's beautiful like you and her eyes? It's the same like her father"

"What do want? "
She straight ask and her features is still the same and the serious of her face

"Please, cloudia don't be like that, we once become friends in the past"
I say and make sure not to offend her or anything because i know she has a heart condition and I'm afraid that it might cause that problem of the two of us

"Don't bring the past just tell me what do you want "
Her facial expression is still the same

"I'm sorry"
The only word that came out to my mouth

"For what? For abandoning us? And our friendship or for betraying us, can you  specify that RONALDO"

I kneel down and cried in front of her

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"
I know sorry wasn't enough i know that but that's the only thing i could say


And apologize for what I've done to her and her family

She cried too and hug me

"Why didn't you do anything why did you just came back right now"

I expect her to slap me, throw bad words and hurful words but no she's here accept me open arms and hug me to comfort me

"You did everything you can ronron"
I hug her back

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry"
She hug me tight

"Stop crying you idiot"
She said

. "Are you okay now? "
She ask after she give me a cup of water
I accept it

I nod
"Yes thank you "

I look at her

"You look fine"
She complement me

"You too "
It's awkward i  don't know what to say i know she's still mad but that's is not for me
I know that

"How's you're life? "
She asked i look at her for a moment before answering it

"Not got.. I'm mean not really"
I bow my head down

"Cloudia "
I called

"I know, but i still want to hear you're explaination "
She calm said

I tell her what happened that day and the reason i didn't reach to her after so many year's

Her hand is shaking and her tears in his eyes is urge fall

"I tried to run away that day i tried to go back to you and.... "

I look at her

"I understand but i couldn't forgive you're father ron"

I feel her pain and i know she's in range because of what my father than to me ,to her , to her parents

Even i , i couldn't think that demon as my father

"Me too i want to crashed him i want to ruined him like what he did to our lives"
She look at me

"What do you mean? "

I sign
"I want us to have justice cloudia for you're parents ,for joey and for you "
I hold her hand tight

She breakdown and cried at my shoulder

Thinking what happened years ago is still hunts me and it made me scared

Because my father is a monster

She killed Claudia's parents to have their land for hes own benefits

She killed he's husband joey
She's pregnant and didn't even met their first child cloud

Joey died he didn't even saw her when she's born ,touch her , he lost a chance to see her daughter

He ruined my life by marrying me to a person that i didn't love

But i did too

And he raped the person whose more capable to be my own parents , the only person who act as my sister

And i hate him for that he such a selfish asshole who wants power

"What shall we gonna do ron? "
She asked

"I have a planned cloudia but please i need you're cooperation and just trush me no matter what happened please"
I sincerely said and look at her

In her eyes


"Are you okay ? "
I smile and pinch her fluffy cheeks

"You always worried don't worry I'm fine and it's our date so I will think other things and you too okay so let's go? "
I hold her hand and we walk

"What do you want to do? "
She asked i don't but i smile and bite my bottom lips to stop from what I'm thinking
I'm being a pervert here

"Can I... I mean you know"
I'm getting shy shit

"What is it? "
She keep staring at me and looking at me in confused while waiting for what about to say

"Can I kiss you? "
She look at me

I stop and feeling hurt, she rejected

I look away trying to hide my face for being disappointed

"Because I'll be the one supposed to ask that all i can think is that lips of yours to mine"
I look at her shock

"What?! "
She grabbed my chin and kiss me

"I really love kissing you it's soft and taste like a candy"
She whisper on my lips

I smile because she's being romantic right now

And it tickles my insides because of her words

"Your making me crazy day by day can i keep you? "
She sweetly asked while giving me smirk that looks makes her more hot and cool at the same time

I didn't know that cloud has side of this

"You can always keep me my love I'm yours"
I kiss her too

And we shared kiss like we are the only one in this world

She pull herself away

"I must stop I might do something that it will make us both regret later "
I smirk and hug her waist

I want to tease her because she's being cute like a bunny her both cheeks is getting red

"Can you tell me what is it? "
I seductively asked while sliding my fingers in her shoulder down

"Don't test my love I'm not good of being a good girl"
She say in her serious face

"Okay okay let's just go and have are date shall we? "
I asked

And take her with me and she happily followed me

I wish this day will always like this until forever

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