chapter 52

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"Give it back to me you idiot!"
Kay hit Cathy in the head after she tried to eat her favorite foods

I smile seeing them happy


"What are you thinking?you looks so happy"
I look at her

"I'm just thinking that everything we've been through we still have this called happy Ending"
I says

We celebrate right now because today is becbecs birthday

All the important people to our life is here

"Clouddddd!! Rainnn!!I swear to God if this woman keeps eating stole my foods I'll punch her face "
Kay said

But we both laughed because they looks like a kids fighting over small things

"The party will start , let's called the birthday girl"
Rain parents said

We look at them

"Let's go?"
I asked rain and she nods

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you ,happy birthday, happy birthday to you"
We claps and sang happy birthday to becbec

Bec blow the candles

We claps again

"Make a wish"
Rain said

Becbec close her eyes

"I wish that we all be happy forever"
She said

Me and rain look at each other
And smile

"That will come true for sure"
Rain said and kiss her on the cheeks

"Okay Guys let's eat"
My mother said

She smile at me before calling all the guest to the table to eat

"Are you tired already?"
I ask and hug her from behind

"Nope ,not yet because this place it's to much ,look"
So I look at the people whose here

They playing with becbec

"Hey cloud?"
We look at the person who called me

I hug him when I saw him enter the house

"Sorry I'm late ,how was the little celebrant?"
He asked he's holding a gift

"She's there and by the way papa ,mama and uncle Ronaldo too they waiting "
I say I saw that he was a little surprise because he will meet he's first love and he's wife at the same time

We know what are parents past is and what happened

I smile at him

He hesitate fo a moment because he doesn't know how to talk to them ,he never met them for so many years

"You have to pa it's time ,you can do it"
I said

He signed and walk to they direction

"Thank you,my child"
He said

"Well if you excuse love birds"
He said

We both smile

I found that my father survive after that fire where he works years ago ,to the factory

He hides himself and let me and mama thought that he died to protect us

Because he have an evidence to what happened to my parents

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