chapter 3

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"What do you want?"
I ask the costumer

but this person Is just looking at me and smiling at me like an idiot

"Can have a talk to you--

"No"I interrupt

"Ok ,if I order a food would you talk to me?"


I said

"Why?" He make question face and look at me like an innocent child

"Because I said so" I coldly said



"Why ?"

and that it this person in front of me is an idiot

"If you would not be ordering, I Will excuse myself now"

"I just need  someone to talk "

"I don't need someone to talk "

I said


I turn around and will start to walk,away from that person but
grab me

"I'll wait for you then"

I toss her hand away and leave

"Hi" he wave her hand at me but I just look at her with my poker face

Still here

"you're than ,then can I have your--

I didn't let her finished and leave her there

"Hey wait, I waited for you for so many hours but you will just leave me here? What a mean person"

I stop from my walk when she said that

"Did I ask you to wait for me ?" I said

"No" she answered

"then that's it"I turn my back at her again but she stop me and grab my hand

"Why so mean miss perez?"

She playfully ask and smile at me

that I'm starting to hate now

"What do you want?" I ask straight to the point

"You" she said

Again I toss her hand

"Just find other people to play with you or want you're game "

"I'm not playing here"

this time she's serious but I don't by that

I know rich people like her ,just want to used US

If they bord now they will throw as like a trash

"I'll ask you again what does you want?"

she shake her head and say

"I just want us to be friends, can I?"

"No  we can't, I don't want to be friends with people like you"

after I said that I grab a taxi and get in there

I will never let that woman to be closed to me

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