chapter 22

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"So did you have FUN in England?"I looked at my friend Kay when she ask me

"Yeah"I simply answer her questions

She looked at me like she's not my satisfied with my answer

"Yeah? what's that supposed to mean?"she asked

I looked at her for a minute before lookin outside the window of her car

"Hey stop giving me a silent treatment and answer me did you have fun or did the BOTH of you have fun while you're in England come on tell me"she ask while driving

"Yeah we did"I answered her ,I secretly smile when I remember what we did in England

England is will be my favorite country now I guess?

"Hey ! I saw that you smiled,come on spelled the tea ?"she excitedly ask

"Drop it Kay,I'm tired"

"What a teaser"she whisper


"Becca ? what are you doing there baby?"I ask when I saw her lookin outside of our window

"Mom who's that person?"she ask and point her finger on the person outside of our house I followed where she referring at

What he's doing here?

"Baby? Can you go to your room and play there for a minute?I have to talk to the our guest"she nod her head and immediately follow on what I said

"What do you think you're doing? And why are you here?"coldly

"She's cute "she took Becca's picture frame and looked at it before take it back to where it placed

He turned around and looked at my direction

"I'll ask you again , what are you doing here?"I ask

"Why not? I'm you're older brother after all ,why ? I'm not aloud to visit my sister's home?"he said and smirk at me

"Sister? don't act like a real brother Raven when you know your not"

He laughed at me and look me for a moment and laugh again like crazy

"This is why I really REALLY don't like you Rain because of you're attitude and because it's you ,who act like a taught person"
He said and acting like he wipe he's tears in he's eye's from laughter

I give him a smirk  and came over to where he standing up
And whisper from he's ear

"The feeling is mutual brother and to tell you ? I should thank you because your the one who teach me to become one"
I step back and look at him with smirk what my lip's

He's smile erase after I said it


"We're done you can leave now "

I turn my back at him and was about to walk when he said something that stop me to walk one more step

"No we're not, what do you think will happened if the whole world know that Rain mendez the only girl in family Mendez the perfect daughter a granddaughter has everything in her hand , that she's a homo huh? what do you think"

I look at he's direction on what he said

He knows

I nod and came to he's direction again

"And?"I ask with no hit of emotion of my face

Will never let his satisfaction win

"And?"he repeat

"Your not deaf Raven don't act like one"I said

"Aren't you not feel a shame and feel disgusting on what are you doing?huh? your making our family in a shame because of your illusion that being in love on a woman "
He said

"It is love Raven and she's just not a woman she has a name"
I said in serious face

"Oh come on!Rain you know you're not and will never be?! how do you even know that your in love when you never experienced it huh?! you just--

"Shut up Raven! You don't even know because you NEVER fall in love and you never feel on what I feel because you know nothing! And I don't care if you tell this to anyone I don't care if anyone would feel disgust,I don't care tell the whole world about this ,tell it ! ,I don't care !because you know why? I'd rather let other people disgust and feel a shame bout me rather than losing the person who really cares about me"

I shouted to his face,he's always liked this getting in my way ,
Take away my happiness and always reuned everything because he always feel threatened that I will take away everything to him

When in fact is not

All my life he's always bullying me and always make me feel unwanted

He is the one who make me feel that in this world I'm a garbage
that always get in he's way

"You're not afraid?"he ask

This is the first time I see him like this,like he's worried about me

Who am I kidding here

He hated me and always despise me

He didn't talk back he nod he's head slowly

"You really are something,Rain "he said

He turn he's back at me , before he go he said something that I didn't believe that he will say

"I'm sorry"and leave the house

I got confused on what he Said before he leaves
He never feel sorry about me
So why change?



I stop my car when the traffic lights turn red

I heavy sign and waited for the red light to turn green

I hold tight in my wheel and let my head rest in there for a bit

"I'm such a bastard"I whisper to myself

I'm scared...

I'm scared on what's going to happen

I know my grandfather

Even how much he loves Rain so much?

He cannot accept on what truly be she is

My sister didn't know this but our grandfather is the cruelest person in this world

He's powerful and if you didn't listen while he's telling you once he will make you you're like a leaving hell

Like what he did to me he takes away my happiness,the life that I really want it

Are grandfather is a manipulator asshole

It may sim like he's a good person with one glanced but when you turn your back?

You will see the difference

"I won't let you ruined my sister life ,I won't let you take away her own happiness"

I drove my car when I see the traffic lights Turn green and step on the gas to drove away

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