chapter 11

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"Mama? " I called her I took off my shoe's before im getting in


I look around the house but didn't see her


I got to are small kitchen but she's not there weird dis she even go

I took my phone out and dialed the number of our coffee shop number

"Hello ?"

"Hey uncle Tyson?" I said the name of  one of our trusted employee uncle tyson one of a friend of my mother

"Oh ?! cloud? Why did you called?"he ask

"I just want to ask if my mother is still there in the shop ? because I look around the house she's not here so I just want to know?"
I ask

"Wait did you not know ?"

"What do you mean? What am I supposed to know?"

"You're mom is in the hospital right now she had a heart attack"

And that's it the feeling of loosing someone that I'm afraid of

"W-where hospital she's admitted Uncle?"

"You need to calm down first I'll text you the address"

"T-thank you"

I run to get out of the house

My mother,I cannot afford to lose you so please


I stopped my car when the traffic lights Turn red ,I look outside of my car

I did even have a chance to confront her

While busy looking outside of my car I saw a familiar person


I got out of my car because she almost hit by a car when the traffic lights Turn green

She look like she's not in her right mind I run to her and stop her
For trying to go in the middle of the road

"Geez you almost hit by a car cloud"

her attention is not on me but her phone

"Cloud!" I called her to get her attention I stopped when I see her eyes

Her eyes is red

She's crying

"C-cloud?" I worriedly look at her

What's happening? Why she's crying

"Let me go I-i need to leave let me" her voice it's look like she's afraid of something


"let me go!!" I was shock when she shout at me this is the first time

I can let her go in this estate

"Tell me what's happening? And you need to calm down first because if you keep continue-ing acting like this might as well not to let you leave"

I'm serious

"J-just let me leave I have to go ,I need to go to the hospital now"
She grabbed my shoulder

Her hand is shaking

I don't know what is happening but I need to calm her down

Hug her and tap her back

"I'll take you there but please you have to calm yourself cloud"

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