chapter 35

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Part 5

Ronaldo stop on he's track when he see the person that he don't want or see he's father along with the woman that she doesn't wanted to see too


"Your fiance visit you in your school and didn't there to show up for her what a bastard are you to disrespect your fiance"
But Ronaldo didn't talk and look at his ruthless father

"Mister Mendez let me just talk to him "
Carina politely said

"Okay hahaha after all you will become part of our family"
He's father said and look at him serious

"Be good Ronaldo"
And leave them both


"I will tell you this again and I will keep telling you ,I don't and will not marry no matter what happened "
Ronaldo said and turn he's back to her but before he could walk he hug him from the behind

"I really do love you Ronaldo what could I have to do so you could love me back ?"
But Ronaldo doesn't care and push her

"Stop being desperate your a woman stop being like this begging to a person who doesn't love you to love you back , Carina you deserve better not like this stop being blind and try to open your eyes and heart to other"
Ronaldo calmly explain hoping she would understand

But she Shake her head no

"No! Please Ronaldo,I don't care if I'm being desperate or what I loved you please can you please try ?let me , I'll show you I really love you "
Carina beg and hug him once again

Ronaldo just sign because even how much he explains this woman will not listen


Before he could talk she kissed him

And push her

"Cloudia are you okay?"
Joey asked

"Yeah I just felt like something was off and I don't know why"
Cloudia said their in the cafeteria eating

"I think your just hungry just eat"
And Joey feed him

Cloudia feel really something was of lately because Ronaldo acting weird to them

"Do you think something's wrong with Ronaldo?he's spacing out lately"
Joey shrugged he's shoulder

"Don't you think he has problem?"
Joey asked

"Let's asked him "
They was about to leave their sit when they see Ronaldo coming to their direction

"What's up guy's where you going?"
Ronaldo asked and sit in the chair in front of them

"Oh wait did you order food already?you didn't wait for me guys your making me upset"
Ronaldo said

Joey and cloudia look at each other

"Ronaldo can you be honest with us?"
Cloudia said with concerned with voice and touch Ronaldo palm
Joey scoffed on what he see because THIS is the first time he saw cloudia so much concerned and worried to other and it's strange because she's doing it with a Man a guy

"Do you have a problem me and joey is here for you"
Cloudia said

And Joey nod
But Ronaldo just smiled

"I'm fine I'm a little to stressed this past few days because my father is asking me to much favor but it will be fine let's just eat and wait Guys I'll order food stay here excuse "
Ronaldo said












"Don't you think what Ronaldo said is true?I feel like there's more about it?"
Joey is started to talk while they walking

"I don't know whatever he's having let's respect it Joey "
Cloudia said

"Whatever it is I hope he tells us I'm worried for that asshole you know "
Joey said

"Me too I just hope he tells us "
Cloudia said to

"I'll Walk you home since is dark now I'm worried that some bad guys out there try to harass you "
Joey said

"Thank you joey ,you know what?I don't know if I don't have a friend like you "
Joey smile and pat cloudia head

"Let's go and I want to eat in your house too because I miss your mother cook you know payment for walking you home"
Joey joke

And cloudia hit him in he's shoulder

"Your really are something joey I can't believe that your walking me home for food?"
Joey laugh and cloudia too

The both talk and until they reach on cloudias house

"Thank you let's get inside "
Cloudia said and invite him but joey just said no

"I'm just kidding idiot "
Joey said and cloudia pouting her lip and acting mad at her best friend joey

Joey just smiled and pat her head again

"Next time ugly idiot "
Joey and cloudia punch her in the stomach and Joey acting like he hurt so much

"Your over reacting "
And cloudia rolled her eyes

And that's when joey stop

"Okay okay you win I'll go home now and please say hi for me to mama and papa babye"
Joey said

"You sure you wouldn't greet them before you leave?"
Cloudia asked and joey just said no again

"Babye ugly idiot "
Joey said and cloudia was about to punch him again when joey ran and wave goodbye to her

Cloudia just laughed and get inside of her house

Days past

Joey and Ronaldo walking at the hallway

"Joey I will tell you this right now I've been hiding it for a long time
And I don't know I feel like if I don't tell you This right now I might explode Joey"

"What is it?"
He asked

Joey is right on what he feel Ronaldo has been hiding something for them

Ronaldo stop and look at him in the eyes


"Joey I-i--

Ronaldo stop

"You are....?"


"Come on tell I'm not good at guessing you know?"

"I think I like you "
Joey look at him seriously

Joey shout in shock

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