chapter 14

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"Mama?"I hurriedly go with her when I see her she walk on her own

"Didn't the doctor tell you not to move to much or do something?"
I'm worried that she might have an heart attack again

"You're over reacting my dear" she playfully said

I hurriedly help her walk while  her other hand has a dextrose a took it to her and hold it for her

"let me a company you mama where do you want to go?" She smiled at me and pat my head

"I just want to go to the garden of this hospital I heard that this hospital have a beautiful garden at their roof top " she explained to me

"let's go?" I ask

She nod at me and we ride at the elivator together


"this place is beautiful" my mother said when we arrived at the roof

There's other's patient here and I can see that they really like the at most pair of this simple yet beautiful garden at the roof top

"let's take a walk shall we dear?"my mother ask

I just nod at her and follow where she wanna go

While we're in a walk my mother start a conversation

"So how are you in school?"


"What a liar I did not became you're mother if I didn't know you , you're my child so I know when you're lying or when you're hiding something or when you even telling a Truth, I know everything about you,you came to me so I know "

I did not talk and look at the Blue sky

"Mama " I called her


"you know that in this world you're the most important person and you're the only person that I really really cherish the most and I will do everything just to keep you safe and unharmed and I don't want to be a disappointment to you "

even I'm not looking at her I know she's looking at me and listen to what I want to say

"and I'm thankful for that my dear "

I look at her and smiled, even I don't even smile I just want my mother to feel at ease and let her know that I'm fine and alright

Even I'm scared that One day that I will never see her in the future or even with me in the future I just want her to see that her daughter will be alright and be strong because that's how she though me

"I really love you mama"

And for the second time around I breakdown again but this time in my mother arms

She hug me tight and pat my head slowly like I'm the most precious Jem

"Ahh my daughter really know how to make such I scene"
She jokingly said

"Mama I'm really scared that one day I cannot hug you like this anymore"

I hug her back and I tightened it

"Me too I'm afraid that one day my daughter is will left behind that's why I always tells you that you need someone in you're life too the one that will take care of you my dear"

She said

"I don't need anyone I just need you "

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