chapter 17

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Cruel summer by Taylor swift

Dedicated to : FREENBECKY


"Really mom?!" I smile at her and pinch her fluffy cheek

"Yes baby ,you will coming with me in England"she happily jump on her bed

"Careful baby you might fall if you continue jumping like that"
She stop and hug me

"I'm happy" she said

She broke to our hug first and look at me

"Can daddy cloud come with us?"she ask out of nowhere

I forgot

"Don't worry baby I'll ask her if she wanted to come with us she might be busy"

She might be busy...

"Mom?"I look at her

"Hmm? Yes baby?" I ask

"Let's eat?" I smile and pat her head

"Shall we?"I said

She hold my hand jump out from her bed


"Are you kidding me right now?" I look at her in puzzled

What's her problem?

"What?" I coldly ask

"This is you're going to give her? A bikini?! SpongeBob?"and took the bikini away with my hand

"I-Im just lookin at it for a minute I wasn't going to buy that ok?"
I simple said and look away

I was really going to buy that anyway

"You know what we're here for many hours and you still don't know what are you going to buy?"

"I don't... I don't know what she want or what her tasted about things like this and it's my...m-my first time to bought a present that's why I don't know okay?" I look around to the whole shop to find more

Or can caught my interest to buy

"Just buy everything "she simple said

"I just wish I'm rich as you are miss Cathy "I feel offended to what she said

I feel like I'm a just a small even I'm taller than her

"Sorry--okay let's just forget that let's go to another shop "
She grab and dragged me out of the shop

"Hayst we've been here for god damn whole hours but still didn't have anything for Rain seriously cloud?"

I didn't talk

"We have to prepare for her birthday I called one of my trusted person to deliver the Cake,give me you're number and I'll call you when the place is ready"

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