chapter 31

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YEAR 1991
(This is their parents past )

Third person pov

"Cloudia !"

Cloudia stop on her track while walking at the hallway and look at the person whose calling her name

Cloudia called to her best friend

"Are you going to cafeteria?"
Joey asked her

"Nope I'm going to the library today "she answer and started to walk and Joey follow her

"Your studying to much "
Joey said

"I need to ,you know cause I don't want to disappoint my parents and you know I need to study so I could give my parents a good life in the future their doing everything for me to ne done at school and you know that"
cloudia explain to her best friend

"I know that but you need to take care of yourself you need to eat too for your brain and your stomach so you could focus on studying"
He explains joey has a feelings for cloudia since they were a little but he hid it he's afraid that cloudia might rejected him because cloudia always see him as a friend a second brother and like a family

Joey always admire her to her dedication to study,dreams and wanted to have a better life for her parents

That's why joey end up falling for cloudia more

"Is there something in my face?why lookin at me like that?"
Cloudia asked her friend joey

But Joey smile and say

"Nothing I just realized how really ugly yuu are "
Joey made fun on her

Cloudia hit her with the book she's holding on but Joey just laughed and run away

But cloudia follow her and run too

"Your really are annoying joey I hate you!"
She shouted but joey just keeps running

They reach on cafeteria and they stop when they saw a commotion in the cafeteria

There are so many students inside and outside of the canteen

"What's the matter why did you stop?"
Joey ask cloudia

"Joey look at them "
Cloudia used her finger and point at the canteen

"Wait here I'll ask them "
Joey came up to one of the students and asked the girl

"Can you tell up me what seems to be a commotion here?"
The student girl that he asked

"Ah because there's a new student here and he's hot super!!!"
Joey frowned he's eyebrow after the girl happily said it to he's face

Like he can't believe it

"What's the matter, what did the student's said?"
Cloudia asked after joey came back on her direction

"Just some random new student, nothing much if you don't want to eat here let's eat outside"
Joey happily asked her

But cloudia refuse

"If we eat outside we can't afford to buy foods because of the high price here in canteen we can and if we eat we will have to leave the School you know I don't like skip classes right?"
Cloudia explain to him and as an understanding friend he just nod to her in agree

"Okay about just wait here and I'll bought you a food "
Joey said and asked

"How ?it's hard to get through inside there are so many students "
Cloudia said

But Joey smile to re-assure her

"I can handle it so trust me and let's just eat at her back of the school is that okay for you?"
Joey asked

"O-kay I'll wait here outside "
And after that joey leave her alone there

Girls screaming and shouting like they saw an Idol
Cloudia can help but to look at the canteen door because the girls screaming become loud

And when she look she saw the familiar person

She pointing her finger at the person who just passing by her

"Ronaldo Mendez?"
She called the guy Stop and look her

"So we meet again handkerchief girl"
The man smirk at her and cloudia can't believe that the man she save a week ago is the new transfer student here in the pretentious school

The commotion stop and look at them the students whispering to other and look at them
Cloudia can't take the uncomfortable look on the students and she was about to leave when the man stop him by holding with her wrist

"This is hate second time aren't we going to greet each other your being rude you know "
Cloudia look at him

Like she can believe what the guy just say

"Can you let go first your making me uncomfortable "
But the guy name Ronaldo Mendez didn't care but pulled her on he's side so they could become closer

And cloudia didn't expect that to happened

"Don't be mean I told you I will never let you forget about me--

All the girls scream in shocked after what happened next because Ronaldo was on the ground someone punch him on the face and when cloudia who's the culprit is it was joey her friend

"You again?!"

Because joey interfere

"Yeah me again ,I'm pretty much sure that at the first glass I can really tell how much you really like me now mushroom head"
Ronaldo made fun of he's hairstyle

Joey was about to attack him again when cloudia stop him and give him a look that don't do it

And cloudia is thankful about it because joey understand

"don't come close to her again asshole if you don't want me to shit your face again"
Joey warn him

"Stop joey using violence we not do good for you and for him ,I'm sorry for what he did let's go--

"Why you defending him and apologizing on he's behavior are you he's parents?"
The students at the hall laugh after what Ronaldo said cloudia can't help but to feel ashamed of what happened

But before she could react someone grabbed her wrist and leave the scene

And it was her best friend joey

"Let's just leave"
Joey said After

She call and look at the back of he's best friend

Cloudia know that joey is not comfortable after what happened in hall in the canteen

And she's pretty sure that

"Joey "
She called again but the guy didn't stop to walk not giving her a small glance

"Let's talk later after we leave here it's sofficating  me here"
Joey said and cloudia follow her quietly

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