chapter 8

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I lay her down on my bed and used a comforter to cover her up

"thank you for the help you may leave"

"yes miss"

the guard said before leaving in my apartment since I can't bring her on my house because it's to far

I just bring her here in apartment

I don't know what have had happened but all I know is I'm in shook and can't believe that this person can do something like that like in my eyes this girl look to much innocent like she can't do something an properate thing

I touch my chest because it's keep beating it to fast

"What's this?"

I know we're just supposed to be strangers to each other but damn
Why my heart keep beating to fast

"I think I have a heart problem I should consolt to my doctor because my heart has a problem"

I talked to myself

I look at the girl who's lying at my bed

"So this is how it looks like when she's sleep"
I sat down on the side of the bed and look at her beauty

"What a beauty you have"

I said and supposed to touched her cheek but she move herself on the other side of the bed and now her back is facing me

I just smiled and shake my head and cannot believe on what happened

I got up and go to the bathroom

"I should need a cold water it's hot in here"

after I washed myself I got out of the bath seeing her still asleep

I go to my walk in closet and change myself in a night dress color red

After I changed lay on my bed again and covered the comforter to me

I'm sleepy now

She and I have shared a bed I'm to lazy to go to the guest room and it's to big for me

I closed my eyes and was about to go to sleep when my this person lying beside me move again

I look at my side and seeing her sleeping she's sleeping in the other side in my side

I got up again when I saw her hand has a bruise

"Where the hell did she get this?"

I look on her other hand

She have it also

I cleaned her woud with a first aid kit and have it a band aid in her hand

"What a heavy sleeper" I touch her nose it's cute after I cleaned her woud

She's hot

I touch her forehead and that's it she has a fever I hurriedly go to the bathroom and find something to make her stop for burning to death

I got big bowl and wet towel and medicine

"Where did she even got this ? Oh cloud what are you even doing at yourself"

I cleaned her with the wet towel I have

I look at her body she's wet because of the sweat she have I have to take her clothes off

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