chapter 24

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When they entered on the room she immediately push the girl down of the bed and lay on top of her and pressed he's lips on her

They both gasped as their lips parted for a moment to gasp to air

Cloud took off her black vneck shirt and threw it somewhere and kiss Rain again

He kiss her head as a sign of respect and he kiss the back of her palm gently

"Are you sure about this,I don't want you to regret it later ,you can change your mind if you wanted too--

Rain stopped her from speaking with a passionate kiss

"Shut up and make love to me "Rain bravely said to her girlfriend cloud

"No matter what happened I will love you no matter what"cloud said and kiss her

He tore off Rains nightgown kiss his neck , cloud hands went down to her waist pinched her side gently causing Rain to moan

"You don't know how expensive my nightgown is ,then you just tore it up like it's nothing "rain said out of nowhere

"I don't care even it's expensive,I don't give a fuck with that dress anyway "
Cloud seriously said and took rain panty away she smelled rain panties before looking at her

"Don't look"rain said and blocked cloud eyes because he didn't want to see her naked body

But cloud gently removed Rain hands from blocking her yes

"Don't your beautiful, your body is beautiful"cloud complement rain so rain will be not ne ashamed to show her body

Cloud felt rain's lip's using her thumb the next thing she did was touch rain chest

Rain bit her lower lip to stop herself from moaning
She slow bowed her head to smell her feminity it was a rose

Rain immediately stopped her because she felt weird to her womanhood like something's is like will going out and she don't know what is it because this is her first time but with a girl

"Cloud wait for a moment I felf weird--

She didn't let her finished when cloud dive in her womanhood and eat her up

Because of cloud did rain couldn't help but to moan again

"Uh~aahh~~f-fuck~~"rain shout while grabbing cloud hair

"S-shit~c-cloud s-stop wait--uh fu-ck!"rain curse non-stop

But cloud didn't listen and continue eating her like she's a delicious food on her table

She played her clitoris using her tongue

"Uh~Ooh~~cloud f-faster~~eat me more fuck me with your tongue ~!!"

Rain doesn't know what she was saying or talking anymore because of the pleasure she's feeling right now and the heat that she's feeling inside of her body

Cloud listen to her queen request and fuck her with her tongue
After a minute rain explode

She's exhausted and feel tired after what happened

"We just started love ,so don't sleep not yet"cloud whisper to rain's ear

She then throw other her belongings,now she's fully naked in front of Rain eye's

"Now we're both naked love"she kiss rain again and lay on top of her to feel her body

She slide her hand down to her womanhood

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