chapter 33

671 13 1



"Who are they?"
Cloudia ask and one of he's classmate answer

"That's Ronaldo's father an influence senator in our province he is  the new appointed mayor in our district,look "
And cloudia look at him

Hes really looks exactly like he's father
Like a carbon copy

Cloudia thought

"Oh!and he's with the directors and teacher's look "
Cloudias classmate point and she follow

"Why they doing here?"
She ask

Of course to visit our school "
All of cloudias classmate's and students run outside to greet the mayor

"What the fuck do you think your doing ?"
Joey said

After cloudia s class she meet up to Joey

"Joey stop it what are you doing?"
Because joey punch some random guy all of a sudden

"This guy in front of us try to take picture on your legs and I caught him"
And cloudia can believe what joey said the pervert get away from Joey's grasp and run joey was about to chase him but someone caught him and nock him down on the floor

Cloudia look at that person and none other than Ronaldo Mendez
The one and only the mayor's only son

"You take care of these dirt bag "
Ronaldo said while looking at joey

"Even you didn't tell me I'll still do  it "
Joey said and grabbed the pervert shirt

"Cloudia stay here I'll get this dirty guy inside of the police station"
and cloudia nod instant

Joey leave right away while dragging the pervert

Cloudia look at the person who say her too

"If you wanted to say thank you never mind "
And Ronaldo was about to leave but Stop at the moment and turn he's head and look at her again

Cloudia loo at him too

"Come with me"
Ronaldo said and look at cloudia

But cloudia refuse

"No ,your a stranger who knows you might worst than that person"
Cloudia said but wanted to take it back Ahead because she felt like he hurt him by that word

When they're eyes met she saw something hurt and sadness in he's eye's but later turn into cold eyes and emotionless

"your right and I'll take my leave "
Ronaldo turn around and start to walk never look back

On the other hand cloudia looking at her back until he disappear in her eyes


Ronaldo stop when he see a person that he doesn't wanted to see
He started to walk and passed by her but stop when she grabbed he's arms

"Please can we talk?"
She plead but Ronaldo pushed her hand away

"Don't try to touch me again I'm warning you if you try I'll break it don't test my patience"
And walk over again

"I just wanted us to be close Ronaldo please you know how much I like you right? and I'm not pressuring you I just wanted to have your attention even just a minute please "

But Ronaldo doesn't care

The person Ronaldo talk is he's soon fiance Carina alisson the daughter of he's father business partner

He hates the girl although that girl didn't do anything to him just wanted to talk to him

The girl is beautiful and perfect as he's future wife but the thing is he doesn't like the girl

Ronaldo don't want to get married in the first place,he don't want to became like he's asshole father

he don't want to hurt a woman

And stuck with the loveless marriage

He don't want to get In chains with the marriage by force

He always wanted like he's mother want

Hes mother always tell him that choose the person she loves no matter what happened

the thing is her mother and he's father had a force marriage and an arrange marriage too

He's father is a play boy a cassanova he agreed to married her mother because of the inheritance once he gets married and he's father is a desperate from money for his father power is more important than love

Because he's father said your nothing if you don't have those and that's why he hates him more

And that's why he promised that he will never be like he's father

That he will not married a woman that he doesn't love or he's Love interested

When Ronaldo get away from Carina he can't help but cannot breathe he don't know what to do because he feel like something is blocking on him to breathe

He touch he's neck and cover he's mouth to breathe but it didn't help him he's knee got weak and kneeled down

But before he could face the floor someone grabbed he's arm and hug him he don't know what to do he wanted to push the person away because he doesn't like it when someone touching him but he can't because he's weak

And he can't breathe

"Breathe slowly"
Ronaldo doesn't wanted to do that but that person he don't know why it makes him calm because like he's mother voice it's soft

"calm down and breathe slowly, breathe in and out slowly"

And Ronaldo follow what the voice said and he inhale and exhale

The person who hugs him was about to let go when Ronaldo grip tight on the persons shoulder

"P-please just one minute"
Ronaldo plead

Ronaldo didn't know that the person whos hugging him is cloudia

Cloudia follow him

Cloudia didn't know to herself why did she follow this guy's in the first place

But she still did her feet move on her own and that's where's cloudia witness

him and the woman talk although she didn't heard the whole conversation she know in herself that the person he's talking he doesn't want it to talk

"I shouldn't have came here in the first place"
Cloudia left but she didn't know that they will see him again on the road walking

And that's when cloudia take action when she see Ronaldo almost collapse on the side of the road

She noticed that he can't breathe and cloudia doesn't know what to do she panicked and hug him

That's the only thing that's on her mind right now

Did I really did the right thing?

Cloudia thought because she herself doesn't know too why did she do it in the first place

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