chapter 36

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Joey pov

"Yeah you got me so stop messing with me men it's not even funny"
But he's stay still and look at me seriously

"I'm serious joey i know this is to sudden for you and I'm sorry for having feelings for you i didn't know, but what i said is true i like you joey "

I stop and look at him again for a second

But i thought he's just playing with me

"I-i don't know what to say I'm totally--im mean this is to sudden i just--

" you don't have to answer i know that you disgusting of me because of what I've said i know i shouldn't have this feelings and it's wrong i know but i don't know what to do
I think i feel like I'm going to explode joey this (point at he's heart)heart of mine i tried to stop but i can't  "

Author's pov



"Cloudia! "

"Mama what?! "

Cloudia ask

"you need to get up now"

"Still early in the morning and it's Sunday i don't have classes mama "
Cloudia said

"You need to get up now because you have a guest "

"Who? "
Cloudia asked


"Ma? Are you okay? "

My daughter asked  and i look at her

"You're spacing out again what's the problem? "
I just smile and just shrugged my head

"Nothing, I'm just thinking of something how are you're girlfriend "
Cloud look at me

She called

"Don't worry I'm fine "



"Are you okay? "
Rain ask, she's worried

I just smile and hold her hand, i don't wanna lie to  her but, i don't want to make her worried either

"Tell me if something happened please, don't make me worried "
She said

"Yes if that's my love want "
I kiss her forehead

"Cloud? "
She called my name

"Yes? "
She look at me in my eyes and scan my whole face

"No matter what happen please don't let go of me "
I hold her hand tight and touch her face

"Why would you think something like that?" I asked

She caught up for a moment

" i love you"
She look at me with her eyes

"I love you too"
I kissed her after that i made her look at me

"Don't ever doubt my love for you rain because I'm going crazy if i lose you, you're my  obsession now "
I said

She hit my shoulder

"You always do this , making me lose and shakin me "
She said and laugh her voice is like music in my ears, can't over it

I hold both of her cheeks

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