chapter 46

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"Ouch Ronaldo your hurting me enough!"
I push him away

"Stop ,stop it!"
I shout on him and push him but he won't let me

"Where have you been ha?!"
He shout at me

I can't believe that this Ronaldo that I see right now in front of my eyes

"In my parents house !why your being like this all the time Ronaldo you won't let me go outside,I have 24 hours a bodyguard supposed to be with me Ronaldo I can't breathe!"
I shout on him

I know because of Ronaldo's trauma that's why he became like this

We've been married for two Years

Ronaldo's not like this Ronaldo is not supposed to be like this

Ronaldo is a loving and a happy person that I met when got married everything is fine

But after cloudia and joey disappear out of nowhere I don't know what have happened to him

And ranna too

Ranna left of Mendez mancion after our marriage no one knows where is she too

I don't know what to do anymore more

The doctor said that Ronaldo had a some kind of disorder of abandonment that's why he's become like this , afraid that someone left him behind again

That's why he's doing this all of this kind of possessiveness and weird obsession

"Liar!I knew it you got tired of me that's why your trying to leave me right?! Tell me!"
He shout

I'm scared of him right now this not the man I love before like he's different person completely different person

"Ronaldo I Will never do that!"
I say but he won't listen to me

"You know what my father is right all of woman like you are useless!"
He said and point his finger at me

I'm hurt of what he said but I know that he's saying that because of his trauma

"Your hurting me Ron"
I say while crying in front of him

If maybe cloudia or joey is here ,if they here

Ronaldo calm down

"I.. I'm sorry"
He back away

Afraid that he might hurt me again

"I-i think it's best if we--

"No no Carina I'm sorry I didn't mean to this to happen okay? please don't leave me"
I tried to calm him but his being histerical

He came to my side and hug me tight

"I'm sorry okay?"

"Ronaldo this is not you "
But Ronaldo refusing to me let me go after I said it

"No it's still me Carina I..I was just--i don't know what came up to me please--i won't do it again "
I push him with all my might

"Ronaldo! Look at yourself?! This is not you look at us ,look what we are now?"
He's eyes is in tears

I'm like this before begging and desperate but I didn't know being greedy will make us suffer like this

Ronaldo kneel and hug my waist

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