chapter 23

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"Mama what do you mean by that?"I ask once again

"I told this to you, many times right? we're going to province to visit you're grandparents "

I looked at her simpathy

"Mama will you be alright?"I ask her in my worried tone

My mother parents past away when I was 7 year's old
My mother really love my grandparents to much everytime their death anniversary is coming my mother act like she's fine
But when no one looking?she cried every night because she miss them very much and that's why I'm worried about because of her weak heart,I don't want anything to bad happened to her I'm worried

I came to her side and hug her back

"It's okay if we're not going today mama or if you want? I'll go there for you ? I just don't want something bad happened to you I'm worried about your health"I said while still hug her back

"I'm fine it's okay, cloud"

I know deep inside my mother is hurt right now but I cannot do anything to ease her pain

This is the only thing that I can do for her stay with her so she won't feel weak or sad

"Mama it's alright,if you can't I'll go on my own"I break my hug to her and go in front of her

"Hayst my daughter is really grown up woman now you're acting mature and mother now"she said while tapping the back of my head

I smile at her and hold both of her hands

"Because there's a mother who tough me a lot and teach me to become one and it's you mama" I said proudly to her while looking both of her eyes

She give me a warm smile and touch my cheek

"I love you my child "she said

I look at her like she's the only person I see

I'm so thankful that I have someone like you I love you too mama

"Me too"I said and hug her

"Okay enough with this drama "we both laugh after she said that
"I help you mama "I said and help her to pack her clothes and things

"Wait when are you going to let me meet your girlfriend?"she ask out of nowhere while we both folding the shirt's

She know my mother really know me

I smiled at her proudly and say

"Soon "I smiled

I can't wait to introduce Rain to her as my officially girlfriend

"You're really are happy"my mother said

My mother once told me that no matter who am I with or who will I love in the future she will be there to support me and that's why I'm always thankful and always greatful because god give me an understanding person and a lovable person in my life and that is my mother,I don't know what I'm going to do if I lose this person in my life

"Very much happy"I said


"R-really? please take care okay?"I said on the phone

("Are you mad?")she ask in her calm tone like she don't want me to get mad or get me upset

"I'm not it's just that--

("I miss you")

I that's it my heart beats like crazy,like is going to come out of my chest


("I love you and I miss you")

I can't help but to smile because of what she said

"M-me too"

("I love you,I miss you ")she sincerely and honestly said

this woman always amazed me

"Me too"I said to tease her

She doesn't like it when I don't respond to her I love you's

("I love you,I miss you")

I laughed in silent because I want to know what she's going to do if I didn't respond

"And I Said me too "again I said it

("Okay")she hung up the phone

I was in deep shock after she said it

Is she mad?

I look at my phone again and was about to call her when I hear nock from my door

"Come in"I said

"miss someone is looking for you she said you know her "
One of the maid came in my room

I frowned because of one of the maid said

"Okay tell her to wait I'll change "the maid nod and close the door again

When I got in the living room no one's there waiting for me

"Weird where is she? "I was about to call a maid when someone hug me from the back

"I love you and I miss you "she whisper to my ear

He leaned her chin on my shoulder while hugging me from behind

I felt better  just because of her simple hug as if I was the only one who could leaned on

"I love you and I miss you so much ,the moment that I don't see you?,I miss you immediately ,now even if you're here or not I still miss you "I said and touch her hands were it place at my waist and hold it

I was about to face her when she tightened her hug in me from behind

"I'm afraid"she whisper while her forehead is on leave on my shoulder

"On what?"I Ask worriedly

"I'm afraid that the moment you face me ?,I might lose my control and I'm afraid that I might do something that I'll only regret,so don't try to face me"she said

What a honest girlfriend, but I would love to see what are you going to do

I removed her tight hug from my waist and face her
I held her chin and I look into her eyes

He averted her eyes away from me but I pulled her chin so she wouldn't take her eyes away from me

I want to know what she will going to do once I didn't listen to her

"You don't really know how to listen when I told you so"
She pulled me and pressed me with a deep kiss while wrapping one of his arms around my waist

Her kiss went to my cheek,my jaw ,my ear and licked me there and also went down to my neck and not me there

He felt the heat of my body

She picked me up and wrapped my legs around her waist

"Tell me to stop while I'm still sane because otherwise--

"Otherwise what?, what will you do?"I  whisper to her and seductively bit her ear

"I will not stop fucking you"she said straight into my face

I touch her face , I see in her eyes the burning heat and desire to possess me completely

"Then do it,own me ,make me yours "I whisper in her ear

She give me her seductive smirk

"Gladly my queen"she said

"Wait let's go to my room"I was about to jump off when she wrapped her both hands to my waist to stop me

"Just tell me where is you're room"she said while still carrying me

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