chapter 40

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I shout

And then hug her

"cloud! "
I say and catch her after she almost fell on the ground

I shout and look at the blood on her stomach

I'm drown in my own tears

No this cannot be happened

"There you are"
I look at the person whose said it and that is the person who kidnapped me


"Police don't move!"
I look back

It's my brother and ryle

I cried

And look at cloud

"Cloud someone here they here"
But cloud wasn't moving

"No no no!"
I say

Raven said

"Please help me , she's not breathing, she's cold"
I histerical said

"Cloud "

"Tell me please, what we gonna do?"

"You need to calm down rain"
Ryle said

"How? My girlfriend is inside of that O.R ?!
And in danger ,how?"
I say and pushing him away

"Rain RAIN!"
raven grabbed my both shoulder and made me look at him

"Everything will be alright "

"What if is not huh?! What if she died!"
I cried and kneel on the side of the door of the O.R

My brother didn't say anything and hug me tight

"What I'm going to do this is not what I want to happen"
I keep talking

"This is all my fault"
I blamed myself

"This is not your fault "
My brother said while making me calm

"What I'm going to do ?"
I said and keep repeating what I said

"Rain "
He made me look At him once again

"Enough blaming yourself,stop it rain"
He said and trying to made me feel alright

And wiping my tears away

"I called cloud mother"
All our friends is her Kay and ryle ,my brother and my best friend Cathy

"We should call your parents too "
Ryle said

"I'll handle it ryle take care of my sister , I'll talk to them myself"
Raven said

"R-raven tell me ?, tell me the truth? Did you really do that, did really our family do that to them ,those people who tried to harm me and hurt me they say ,they made them are family ruined their life! "
I keep saying and shouting and grip his collar

"Tell me ?!why did our parents do that?!"

"Rain this matter has nothing to do with you I'll handle it "
Raven said

But I grabbed him tight

"Yes! Yes it has to do with me because I'm part of our messed family up!"
I say

"Because of this family, because of this fuck up family that I had that's why my girlfriend end up here,she wasn't supposed to be here she-she w-was.. wasn't"
I'm being weak now

If I know this would happen I should have let her come with me

I shouldn't asked her out

"Rain , I didn't mean anything this to happen I'm sorry "
Raven said

I push him away

I said

Cathy called

"Please,let him leave"
I said and look away I cannot look at him right now

Because of this matter

I still have some respect on him as my elder brother

"I'm sorry rain "
Raven said

I heard he's food step leaving in front of me
But I didn't even look at him

Because looking at him right now made me remind me that cloud here because of him

He's one of the reasons why cloud end up here

Cathy hug me and that's when I cried in her shoulder

"It's hurts me Cathy, I'm scared that something happened to her "

I say and keeps crying I feel like I can't breathe anymore and it's suffocating and still I keep crying

"Shhhh ,you get through with this rain "
Cathy said trying to calm me

It's been 3 days 17 hours and 50 minutes and 60 seconds but cloud is still not waking up her mother came here right away after she heard what happened to her daughter I don't want cloud mother to be here she's not supposed to be here because of her heart condition but she still came because she's worried

"Mrs Perez "

I call her

"Aren't you going home?"
She asked while she wiping her daughter hand on a wet towel

"I want to stay mirs Perez"
Cloud's mother look at me after she cleans her daughter hand

"Rain ,you should take care of yourself,you know that people will get worried about you"
Cloud mother said

"And you need to go home someone might wait you to go home"

After mrs Perez said it I remember my little sister

Because while I'm here I forgot her
But ryle and her wife taking care of her

Yes ryle is married to her long time girl and her womb is growing now

"Cloud not going to be happy if you keep yourself like that,your not taking care yourself,you need to think of yourself too rain"
She said

"Aren't you mad at me ?"
I asked her because after she found the news about her daughter she didn't even asked of what have happened to her daughter or why did this happening

Mrs Perez look at her daughter whose still unconscious on the bed and look at me

"It's just that I don't want be a reason to cuss more of your trauma,I know that it has a big impact in you of what happened that's why I don't want you to be bother so I didn't asked at all "
She said and smile warmly at me and tap my shoulder

"So don't blame yourself anymore rain none of this is your fault,I know your blaming yourself but I want you to know it's not your fault "
She said

And again I cried she comfort me and hug me too

"You really love my daughter are you?"
She said

I nod and keeps crying on her shoulder this is not the first time I cried but still I still have a tears to cry because I'm in pain

"I do really love her ,I really love your daughter "
I said honestly and hug her tight

She tap my shoulder to comfort me and try me to forget that pain that I have inside

I look at cloud whose still unconscious

I wish that cloud would wake up now many people is worried to her

She needs to wake up now

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