chapter 25

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CLOUDIA (cloud's mother point of view)

While we praying for my parents

"Mama ?"cloud called me and I looked at her
"Yes?"I ask and continue again
"You think grandpa and grandma hear our prayer for them?"she ask out of nowhere and I look at her direction for a minute before look at my parents picture frame
I smile while still looking at my parents picture
"They are dear ,they always are "I said

"Mama I'm gonna go to my room to change my clothes excuse me"
She said and go upstairs

I look at the whole living room

This place is still the same




"Excuse me is anyone in here?"
I opened the door when someone nock and opened it

"Oh-wait is that you cloudia?long time no see"she said
I smile at her and I opened the door wide to let her in
"please come in please"I said and she gladly obeyed and get inside of our house

"Are you okay? after what happened to your parents,we lost are contact to you it's been--

" Many years because of what happened it's long right?"smile the only thing that I could do is to smile to hide my pain after what happened to my parents

"Why didn't you fight for the justice for your parents back then?"she ask out of nowhere

"What for?I know that doing this is being a coward but I can't--I cannot lose another important person in my life Tina"I said calling out the name of my Best friend

My daughter cloud know that her grandparents died because of an accident not being murdered

"Cloudia "she called I look at her in a sad face
"Tina please let's just forget about it okay?I'm fine now were fine now "I said she hold my hand to ease my pain because I keep remembering the sad past that I've been keeping for so many years

"Are you not going to tell the truth to your daughter? You know she need to know the truth right?"she ask and looked up at me
"I know but how can I do that when she--

"When she's what?"she ask in her confused State
"She's have a connection to one of the those people who killed her grandparents Tina"and that's it I broke down tina sit in my side and hug me to calm me
"Cloudia calmed down"she said while calming me because she knows that I have a weak heart and she's worried about something will happened to me

"Ma? what happened?"cloud came out of nowhere
Time and I broke on our hug and look at the direction of my daughter

She came with my side and worriedly check me
"Are you okay?,do you feel sick let's go to the hospital now"she said while still checking me

I touch my daughter face and brushed my thumb on her soft cheek

"I'm fine"I said to her so she would not be worried

"Are you sure?"she's still worried it's say's all in her face
"Yes,my child-ah let me introduce to you , you're aunt Christina she's my close friend since high,Tina meet my daughter cloud "I introduced them to each other

I cloud feel so awkward right now because she never met Tina because so she's uncomfortable to her

"Hi cloud you're mother talk to me about you a lot,it was nice meeting you ,kid"cloud just nod and looked at me like she's asking my permission I just nod

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