chapter 50

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I was shocked to know all the truth to my own mother

I say

My mother ,she let herself suffer alone

I hugged my mother tight

"I'm sorry "

"No mama,no I was supposed to be the one who have to apologize,I never asked you even once if your alright or are you even fine"

I break to our hug and look at her

"What are you going to do now ma"
Her mother smile

"I have to do what I have to do 20 years ago justice for our family"
I smile , she's strong enough

She protect me all the time since I was a kid ,she always be my protector and my mother

"And all be there with you ma"
I said

"And your father?"
She asked

I look at her that's the thing what we have to know

We have to know ,how did my father still alive


"What do you mean? Your lying! Stop talking nonsense,my grandfather will never do that such thing!"

"That's the truth why would you not believe it!"
My brother said but I push him

"Liar! Your trying to this because you know the only person I have is him! Stop lying!"

Grandpa will never do that I know , he's been with me when I was a kid ,he was the one who always understand me at everything,he won't do that right?

"We've been protecting you because we don't want your life to be in danger"
My father says

"Stop lying to me?!,if that's the truth why he wouldn't hurt me at all huh!,if that's really the truth or your doing this because you want me to turn myself against the only person who loves me , understand me and the one who became my father figure since I was a kid and a child "
I'm crying even the evidence was in front of me and all of the it but I still refuse to believe it

Why would he do something like, this all of this

Raven was supposed to say something but he was interrupted by he's mother

"Enough raven let her be ,this is all to much for her let her be , let's go"
I look at her

"I'm sorry"
That's the words I want to hear to him for so many years,my father apologize for abandoning me .

"Is this all the truth?"
I want to know more ,even it hurts me to handle I have to know all the truth

My father looks at me with so much guild in he's face

He deep signed before looking at me in the eyes

"Are you sure you want to know all of it ,can you handle it ?"

I slowly nod my head while crying

"I want to know it and I want to know why for the past years you've neglected me "
I asked

"We never neglected you "
Raven mother's said

"Then why would you do that,my birthdays,my school days ,my special events or even my days why you wouldn't come to see me"
I asked

She came to my side and gives me something that I don't know

But I'm sure it's a diary it's looks old

"What's this?"
I ask

"You will find the answer here , it's your mother diary, you will know the truth here we want you to find the truth on your own"
She says

"What do you mean?"
My father and her wife just looks at each other and didn't say anything

"Look the answer for yourself rain then find us ,after you read that"

They leave after

I look at my little sister and hug her tight

"Mami is there something wrong?"
I cried silently and didn't dare to say anything

"No baby nothing is wrong,it's alright "
My sister hug me back

"Please don't be hurt Mami"
I broke down after she says it

"I'm sorry"
I cried

She cried with me her too

"Mami don't cry please"
I can't let myself stops from subbing because it's hurt me and it's really pain me

"I'm really sorry "
I keep saying sorry and apologizing to her

My mother was a good mother to us she always smiles and happy

I didn't know that, she's living with that kind of life

And the fact she's been rape multiple times by the same person

It pain me and it's hurt me a lot

"You need to sleep now I'm sorry Mami is crying it's just that I miss you a lot that it made me cry "
I say and smile at her

"But I'm always here with you Mami ,so don't cry now it's makes me sad and hurt me"
She say and wipe my tears away

"Sorry I made you worried let's sleep ?"
I say

She said and smile now

"Let's go,I'll read you a bed time story tell me what you want to read"

"Really?then can you tell me a different store?"
She excitedly ask

"Okay so let's go na baby?"
I say

"Let's go "
She said

After I read what inside of the diary I feel like was crumpled inside and all of me was shattered

Because my grandfather that whom I idolize so much since I was a child was an actually a monster

And found that he was my father knowing this part really broke me

I was a child of a rapist but my mother didn't neglected me ,she loves me even who was my father is

She takes care of me and cherish me with all her life

She never blame me or say anything bad to me even after she died she only wish my happiness and be the happiest person and be a wonderful person in the whole world

I cried while calling her and hugging her diary in my chest

"I'm sorry"
I cried

I cover mouth preventing to make any noise since my little sister is inside on my room and besides me sleeping

She gives me a wonderful sister before she leaves

And that's what I'm grateful about her

"Big sis will protect you baby"
I kiss her head

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