chapter 51

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"What is the meaning of this?!"

"Here's the warrant of arrest for you mister Mendez,you have to remind silent anything you say will be use again you "
The police caught him and get him inside
Of the police vehicle

"You bastard!"
He grabbed Ronaldo's shirt

"I told you I'll do whatever it takes to take you ,in your right place"
Ronaldo said

"Fucking idiot you think you would get away after you did this huh?"

"I'm not scared of you at all ,do whatever it takes to get yourself out of here "
Ronaldo came to he's father side and whisper

"Let's see if you can still get out of your own messed FATHER "
And back away

Ronaldo father was about to hurt him but the police hold him right away

"You fucking bastard I will not forgive,you think you can get away with this , think idiot , think what would your children to their loving grandfather "
But Ronaldo just stand himself watching him taking away by the police

"Well see that dad , because right now ,the only person who would believe to you turn herself against you"
He's father looks shocked whose get inside

"Rain "
But rain just look at him in different like she doesn't know him at all

"Make sure he will behind of those bars"
Rain cold say

"Rain what are you saying it's your grandpa!"
Trying to manipulate her

But rain didn't say anything

"Get him now"
Ronaldo says

Rain look at his father

"I'm sorry"
Ronaldo says

"Did he knows?"
Rain asked while looking at the person whose being take away

"I don't know,but looking at him looks like he's already aware that you are his child"
He father Ronaldo says

Rain look at him

"Thank you for always protecting me "
Rain says to him

Ronaldo smile and hug her ,he really what to do this but he always afraid that he might hurt her like before

He slap her last time, humiliates her in front of everyone and trying to hurt her

But he just did all of those because he wants to protect her

He's father threaten him ,he doesn't know what he's reason but he doesn't care at all because right now,he can hug her now and feel the present of her daughter or should we say he's little sister

"So what should I call you dad or big brother?"
Rain asked him

"Just say whatever you are comfortable"
He say

Again they hug

"I didn't do anything like that I swear my dear believe me?!"
But rain remind an move

"Then can I asked you why did you do that to my mother?"
Rain asked

"W-what?how did you know?"
So her real father knows the truth

"You know that I'm your daughter "

"Yeah , I just found it out recently to the private investigator that I asked, because the first time I saw you I knew you we're mine ,at first I didn't believe it but it was all true you are my daughter "

"Tell me ,what is your reason for doing all of this huh?!"
Rain slam the table

But he doesn't know how to answer it

All he could think of is apologize to her daughter

"I'm sorry "

"To late ,you ruined everything,my life ,this family,even the family of my woman "
Sh shouts

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry "
He cried and trying to hold her hand but rain push it away

"I just did all of that because that's the right thing to do, please understand!!"
He's father shout

"Right thing to do?!, what makes you think that , killing innocent people, ruined their life and trying to take all of their property is the right thing to do tell me!, because everything you said is hard to understand!"
Rain is crying but she have to

He's brother raven trying to calm her

"This thing would never happened if your mother didn't cheat "
He looks at his son blaming him

"Don't you dare try to say my mother's name in your dirty mouth,this is has nothing to do with her ,this is only you ,your the one started this!"
Ronaldo says

"Yes! She's a cheater Ronaldo!I was a good and a loving father back then ,even you we're a child of wedlock love you cherish and your mother with all my life !"

He's said

"Even I didn't love your mother in the first place I learn too , because she's a loving and caring like you always says about,I love her with all my life Ronaldo,but all of my love for your mother vanished after I heard what she said to her lover"she said she's willing to leave her family just to be with him!"it's hurt me I asked her but you know what she said ?"because I never loved you in the first place"I begged her not to leave us even just for you ,just FOR YOU Ronaldo!"

"Liar ,my mother will never do that!"

"Then think when you we're 7 year old why did your mom left,you was the one with your mom that night she left,and when you turn 14 in first year high school why did she came back?"

now Ronaldo remember what happened when he was seven

"Mom why are you packing your things are you leaving?"
Her mother didn't say anything ,she looks like in hurry to leave the place

He called he's mother

After he's mother done packing,he look at him

"Take care of yourself okay ?"


"Let's go?"
There's a man in the door on their room

"Yeah it's all set up let's go"

Ronaldo remember it now

"It's hard for me and it's hard raising you by  myself,but I keep myself up so I could raise you right,but your mom came back again like never happened,I know what I did to your mom is wrong and unforgivable but she made me do it , everytime I see her I remember her betrayal, I was supposed to give her a chance for us but I later found that she just came back for our money that's when my hope ends and became like this"

"But still this doesn't change the fact that you hurt and killed people just so you can have your so called power "
Ronaldo said

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