chapter 38

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"Hey are you okay love ?"

Rain asked I don't know why but I fee like something was of like something will happened and I don't know why 

I looked around the place

I must thinking to much

I hold her hand

"I was just thinking something but it's fine let's"

"Did you have fun? "
I asked her

"Very much, next day let's go on the favorite place i want to go, are you coming with me?"

She asked

"Wherever you go my love "
I say and kiss her on forehead

While we are talking all of a sudden there is a van stop in front of us

"Who are you? "
We got shocked on what have happened but before i could react someone hit my head with something hard that i feel dizzy

"Take the girl let's go! Let's go! "

And they take rain

"No stop! Don't touch me , i said stop! "
Rain try to get her off to those guys but she doesn't Match to them and still successfully get rain on the van

"Cloud! Let me go! "

She shout


I must do something


"let me go asshole !"
I say but they wouldn't listen to me

"Shut up! If you won't stop talking I might hurt you understand?!"
One of the kidnappers say

"Don't you know who I am?"
I shout in his face

"We do ,we really do! Because of your family why we're in this mess now! You will pay the price of what did your family do!"
He said


"What do you mean?"
I asked

What's happening?

Did my father did bad on someone?

Did my brother do something bad or hurt innocent one?

What this person talking about?

"Tell me! What are you talking about?!"
I asked

"Shut up !shut up you spoiled brat!"
He said

"Enough ,we need that kid so don't do anything unnecessary that will make us in trouble more"
The driver said I can't see their faces because it has bonet in their faces

Inside this van there's a three people

"Shit shit!"

The driver said when we look in front


Cloud is in front of us the driver take u turn on the side

"Fu k! "

"Shit there's another problem?!"
The man who called me spoiled brat said

I tried to get away but it won't help

"You bitch!"
They punch me in my stomach

I cough on that because it's hurt

"Shit I told you ?!why wouldn't you listen!"

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