chapter 9

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It's been a month

And it's been a month since I'm avoiding her I don't know what's my problem but I can't seem to

And I can't even look at her

"Hey you alright?" Kay ask me but I didn't talk we're at the field

Today is are P.E we're going to do some physical activity and anykind of sports

"Hey bud"

"Ok class here are some activities that will going to do find yourself a partner and will do a track and field"

The prof said

"Yown let's partner cloud" Kay said

I just nod


"Run faster! "

I shouts to all of my teammates

"This is the last round 50"

"What? Wait cap if we continue this we're going to die"
My one co-player team

"Then should I give you guys 200 push ups?"
I said

they didn't say anything and start to run again with another laps

"Hey miss Mendez don't you think this is to much ?"
Are coach said

"I'm just doing my job as their captain coach"
I said

"Faster faster!"

I know this is to much but what can I do I'm mad right now because that cold nerd wouldn'nt even talk to me

I tried everything that I can to talk about us ,but that
Woman always hiding from and douge me

She's really dead if I saw her

"Martin ! Faster you're teammates already leaving you come on follow them "

I called to juanna her last name

"Oh ryle why you're here?"

All of the students lookin at us and other gossiping and other whispering and talking and keep looking at are direction

"I'm here to fence you you're parents and my parents want to talk to us about are marriage "

He serious said and he's not kidding

"Ok "


"Whoo god I'm tired I cannot do it anymore"

Ray said we sat at the grass and look at the ground of are school

"Here" I give her a bottle water and she accepted it

And I give myself too I opened the bottle and drink the water

"Wahhhh guy's Rain is in the canteen and her fiance"

All of are classmate run like a wild dog and leave


I grib the bottle that in my hand

"Hey cloud what's the matter? You okay?"

I calm myself before answered her

"Fine I'm going to the bathroom"

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