chapter 45

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I cried on tinna shoulder

"What am I going to do tinna"
My both parents died they kill those heartless people

"Stop crying"
She said

I'm still hiding after what have happened to them

I'm scared that if I go outside they will kill me

"They kill my parents! They kill them tinna"
Tinna is one of my friends but she's in they province that's why she doesn't here

"We have to tell call to th police on what happened"
But I stopped them

"I don't want any of you get in danger please don't call to the police"

Because I know how powerful that person is

He's awake now

"Joey "
I said and look at him

But he look at me confused

"Joey what's the matter?"
I asked but he won't talk

"Sorry but w-who are you?"
He said

"Joey stop making jokes right now"
I'm crying I look at his parents

But he's parents didn't say anything

"So you mean he as an amnisia?"
I asked

"Yes the doctor said that he had a post traumatic injury in the head and cause him to loose of hes memories"

I look at Joey's side whose sleeping

I can't believe this

First I lost my parents now my only friend doesn't remember a thing of himself

"We we're going to leave this place after he gets discharged cloudia"
I look at them

"You will take him?"
I asked

They nod and look at they son too

"If you want you can come with us too
If that's alright to you ,we heard what happened to your parents,if we leave you here you might feel alone and besides yours parents is like are closed family too "
I remind silent after that

"I'll think about it "

I still need to see Ronaldo I have to know what happened to him and Carina and even ranna

Someone stops me

I called her

"What are you doing here?"
Ranna asked

"I want to know what happened to them and I can't reach them tell me what happened to them ranna"
Ranna look away and can't look at me straight

"I'm sorry but... that's the thing you don't have to know you have to leave this place right away it's dangerous here "
Ranna said

"Ranna please!my parents dead now ,I need to know the truth to Ronaldo!"
I said trying to begged her

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