chapter 4

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After she's sleep , I kiss her forehead and leave in her room

"Young miss?"

"What is it?"

"there's someone, who wants to talk to you ?"

head maid said

I just nod my head to give her a sign that I will follow her later
the head maid leave

I once look my sister room before leave

"What are you doing here?"

I sat at the single sofa and cross my both legs

"You didn't show up on our date"

He said

"Tsk "

"I'm serious here rain,stop give me that look and 'tsk' like it's not a big deal "

he at the other sofa and look at me

"I got busy"

I ask my one of my maid to give us a drink

"Busy? No , don't me my dear I know you're not"

He said and roll he's eye ball

"Really "

I smiled at him and sip on drink

"Busy to that cold person name 'cloud' yeah yeah "

he said and I laughed on he's expression

"Why jealous babe?"

"Eww don't call me babe I'm not a pig "

I laughed again because he's acting like it's really discusting
I've said

"Wait what are you doing here by the way?"

I ask


give him a confused look he sighed like
He's really tired

"I'm here because of you're father and my parents they want us to get married as soon as possible"

I got up on my sit and look at him , like I can't believe on what he said

"you heard it Right"

This is why I really hate my father because he was the one who make decision of my like

"Let them be ryle "

My fiance look at me like he can't believe it

"What do you mean bout that ?"

he ask in confused

"let them "

"What?! You will them US get married? Rain you know I can't"

he got up also on he's chair and start to panic , he's worried because arrange marriage is not he's thing

Also me but we have no choice because our parents

Announced that we will getting married

"Don't worry to much ryle"

I tap he's shoulder to calm down , I know he doesn't really like it to be married

And besides he has already a lover in America , that's why he's always there

He get her lover away from trouble here and don't want her to get involved of he's problem here

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