chapter 41

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When I saw my daughter move her hands and open her eyes slowly I immediately call a doctor to check on her

"Miss Perez can you tell me how many fingers do you see in my hand ?"
The doctor examine her eyes and check on her

She whisper since she can't talk due to her drain throat and didn't drink water

"Then can you tell me whose here right now and do you know where you are?"
The doctor continue to asked

My daughter look at me

"Mama "
She look at me and the doctor

"I'm at the hospital right now"
She slowly say

I signed of relief after my daughter said that means she's alright and fine

The doctor just advice to us that since the wouds on her stomach it's not Heald yet she was not aloud to move around or trying or lift some hard stuff or anything

"You heard what the doctor said cloud so listen "
I say could just smile

"Could!!! My friend "
Kay say and hug my daughter right away

"Ouch it hurts you idiot"
I just smile at them

"I miss you !"

I called him

"I'm sorry about what happened to your daughter "
He apologize

"It's fine "
I say

"Still it's my fault this wouldn't happen if I didn't let myself being greedy for money I'm such a Fu king idiot "
He said

Looks like he heard the news

"Sorry cloudia,this is not supposed to happen, don't worry I'll take care of everything and this matter"
He said

"No need Ron were fine ,you should take care of your children and that daughter of yours rain , she's suffer a lot "
I said

I saw in his face how said he is

"You know what cloudia I don't know what to do right now ,I don't even know how to look at her right now it's just that--

"You saw her on her do you?"
He looks at me and look away

"Me too I saw her on her , she's beautiful like her mother"

"I know my daughter is beautiful like her mother"

"Why didn't tell her the truth?"
I asked

"I Don't know ,how to I don't even know where to start"
I feel bad about him and I feel mostly bad about her daughter too

"When will you going to tell her you know she needs to know the truth"
I say trying to keep everything up

"I know that but I don't know ,I failed as her father and I failed as her brother too "
He looks at me

I say his name

Rain is not actually Ronaldo biological daughter but he's biological sister blood related

It's hard to believe but it's true

Ronaldo cried on my arms like rain

Ronaldo is like a wall even how much strong and build he's self up it will be destroyed once you hurt and break a trust in between

"I wish I could've just stopped of what have happened maybe none of this will happen"
He said

"Ron you tried,you did your best"
He get away from my hug

"But I run away like a coward Claudia, because I'm scared of all of this ,this is not supposed to happen if did I just became strong enough! To protect you ,your parents  and all the person Important to me!"
He said and blaming himself

He sat on the side

"I should have become strong in the beginning"
He said


"But-but I failed"

"This is not your fault either any of us "

This is all Ronaldo's father fault he made us all us in living hell because he wants to have everything on his on

Ronaldo wipes he's tears

And hold both of my hands

I look at him

"I promise with all my life to get the justice you have the justice we all have "
He said

"We're going to have a justice we supposed to have"

I said I'm determined to get the justice for my parents and for my husband death



"Cloud ?"
MY mother called

"Yes ma?"
I asked

"You've been like this after you got discharged in the hospital,tell me is something bothering you are you alright ?do you feel any pain?"
She worried asked

This still stuck on me

"Mama can you tell me what reason my father died what the cause of his death?"
She look at me

"You never asked but this is the first time cloud"
My mother suspicious said

But she smile

"Your father died on an explosion on the place factory where he was working before I don't remember where is that place but I remember that is an abandoned now "
My mother said

I was shocked to know that

"Is it really an accident or someone messed the place up that's why it it's explode?"
I don't know why I said that but that's what I'm feeling right now

My mother look at me

"W-what are you talking about could it was an accident "
My mother reaction is not helping me finding the truth now

"Your lying to me mama"
I say

My mother is not good at lying so I knew that she would reach on this

"Cloud "

"You've like that , your hiding many things to me that I don't know what I have to do"
I said

I don't want to be mad right now because it will not do good for my health

"Can you tell me for once did my father died on an accident is he really dead?"

I want to really know the Truth because right now, I don't really know what to do

Because I feel like so lost at everything right now it's hard for me to puzzle all

"He dead now cloud what more you want to know?! Your father is dead"

"No he's not in fact I saw him on one of the kidnappers of rain "
My mother look at me in disbelief

"What are.... what are you talking about your father is dead "
She say

"No mama I saw him with my own eyes he's alive he not dead ,I saw it with my two own eyes he is alive "
I say

Even my mother cannot believe it too

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