chapter 49

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"what's this huh?!"
Ronaldo didn't move and face he's father wrath

"how dare you stain my name on your bastard!"
Ronaldo got punch on his face and stumble on the ground

He's father found out that he has other child on other woman

But if fact it was he's father child but we won't tell him

He won't let that child become like his father

A selfish bastard and an abusive because he has a power

Carina run to he's husband side and help him up

"You know it two an you won't tell me?!huh!"
But Ronaldo smirk

"What do you have a problem with that ,I told you I can be like you too dad"
Ronaldo says

He was about slap Ronaldo but Carina shield herself

"Stop Don hurt my husband anymore!"

Her parents came in right at the moment

"You stop !"
Her mother warn

"You bastard!"

"No dad Stop!"
Carina tried to stop he's father preventing to beat her husband

"You stop it Carina ,he cheats on you and I won't let this bastard, hurt you once again!"
Her mother rants

"No! You don't know anything!"
Carina tried to get out to her mother grip

"I'll kill you!"
Carina father say

Carina run to her side and hug him
Ronaldo coughing blood on the ground

Carina cried seeing the man she loves suffer so much because of his selfish father

"I'm sorry"
Ronaldo mouthed says to Carina

Ranna hugs Carina after she saw this outside of the house

"It's Ron he's in trouble "
Carina cried

Carina and Ronaldo hide ranna to the place no one will know her

Because they found that the senator looking for her

It will make sure they will let her shut up

"What do you mean?"
Ranna asked

"They take Ron and I don't know what going to happened to him my parents won't let me see him "
Carina shed in tears on her shoulder

"Whose the mother mo the child tell me?"
The parents keep asking Carina but Carina won't say anything

"It doesn't matter who she is "
Carina said

"Yes it does! Carina "
Her mother says

"Mom it doesn't matter because I accept that child as my daughter!"


"Are you really out of your mind huh? ,you look desperate,you accepting the other child but you won't accept your own blood ?!"
Carina look shocked to her mother

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