chapter 26

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I tiredly lay at my bed after we cleaned the whole house of my grandparents me and my mother

Were not done yet but my mother said that we need to rest for a bit because of our exhausted body

"Here drink this"my mother give a glass of water I immediately got sit when she give me the glass that I gladly accept

"Thank you ma"I said and drink it

"Cloud do you want to go around our village or walk around?"my mother ask

I was about to refused but I think that's not bad idea since we were going to stay here for one whole week so might as well not miss this opportunity

"I'll do that but later ma"I said

(Just imagine this is her outfit)

"Oh?! Why you're wearing that kind of clothes?"my mother ask me when she see me

"I'm comfortable wearing like this mama"I said

"Okay,ah I cannot come with you but don't worry Tina's daughter will tour you around if that's okay?"

Do I have a choice?

I just nod to my mother to answer

"Good she will be here in a minute so wait for her here I'll go upstairs and change my clothes I'm so wet because it's hot here and to much work to our house"

"Excuse me?are you auntie cloudia's daughter?"I look up to the person who ask

If I'm not mistaken this person in front of me is miss Tina's daughter

"I am and you must be..?"

"Cassandra but you can call me Cassie"she said and she reach her hand to make a shake hand to me I did accept her hand
And we shake hands together

"Good to meet you miss Cassie "I said

"Don't be to formal just Cassie will do so let go?"she ask and gesture to me to go outside first

While we go for a walk I can't help but to capture and take pictures to all the beautiful places that we will stop by

"Are you a photographer perhaps?"she ask out of nowhere
I look at her direction

"No"I simple answer

I stopped for taking pictures when she laughed

"What's with you ?"

"Nothing is just I find you cute, cause where ever we go I oftenly see you smiled if you see a beautiful view like this place"she said and looked at around the place

"Want to go to eat something?you know we've been walking around, my stomach asking for food now, we need energy because this place is not the place we're going too , let's go"

I got surprised when she grabbed my arm and pulled me somewhere

"Eat this  don't worry this food is not dirty or some kind of bacteria you know"she said and give me a stick too

While she's eating that something that I don't know ,I just look at her like a kid

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