chapter 39

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I wait and waited until they gone and look if someone see me

When I made sure no one will see me I get out from where I'm hiding and came to rain side whose unconscious right now

I whisper I tried to wake her up
But we won't

I tried but still he won't wake up

I untie the rope on her hand and lift her up and Puth her on my back

" sed the woman escape!"

Shit we're not far Away from them yet

"Stop right there!"


I heard the gunshot but I didn't let them and run while rain is in my back

"Please rain hang in here we will get out of here"
I say

I keep running

When I saw the motorcycle I ride on that right away but fuck

I lost the key is not here I think I lost at while following the kidnappers

I get out and keep rain in me

I look around this place and find away to hide

"I think they escape now what will gonna do?"

"Impossible they still here I'm sure of it because it's impossible to get away easily on this abandoned place we have to find them asap "

I heard them talking I hug rain tight

I have to wake rain up soon we cannot get away from this if we continue stick together like this


"Rain "
I saw her open her eyes

When her sight see me her eyes wide

"Cloud "

"Shhhh they might hear us"
I whisper on her an point the two people looking for us

"What we're gonna do?"
She asked I look her

"This is the only way I know we can get away from this ,rain both if one of us use as a bait to them "
I say

Looks like she understands it and look at me

"Cloud no"
She try to stop

"Rain listen to me "

"No "
She said and turn her face away from me

"Rain we don't have a time try to get away to this place no matter what happened okay?"
I hold her both cheek and made her look at me

"Cloud "
She's holding on my shirt

I hold her there and get her both hand off me

I smile

"Trust me rain "
I say and kiss her lips before running away

I shout

I caught their attention and made look at my direction

They run at my direction so as I do I run away to them and made them chase me


I Puth all my courage to get up and runaway

I don't know where my foots get me
But all I could think is runaway on this place and find a help so I could help cloud to get away from here

I keep run and run

I'm crying because I'm worried that it might something bad happened to cloud

I cover my both ear in shock after I hear a gunshot

I want to go back and check if cloud is okay but I remember her words

I have to trust her on this I turn away and keep running again

While crying because it may long to go back in there this place is huge


"STOP! If you try to runaway I swear I'll shoot now"
I stop now after they give me a warning shot

"Turn around "
I turn when they command me

I slowly turn around and look at them

"Come here slowly and don't even try to do some trick on us ,I swear my Hand might slip on this gun"

I didn't even try to move

"Where is the girl, where is she?!"
I didn't talk

"Your tough one"
He grabbed me by my hair and grip it

"Where is the girl I'll ask once again"
He warn

"I don't know "
I say while I'm trying to struggle away

"You bull I'm gonna Fu king kill you!"
He push me away and point again on me
And was about to fire

But someone stop him

I don't know whose that person because all of them wearing some Bonet and mask on them to cover their faces

"Enough we're not a murderer so keep that gun away "

That voice

"What are we gonna do?! Huh? This woman got us a problem"
And point at me

There's no way

I look at that guy posture

And moves

My hands move on it's way and move the masks on his face

"You shit head! what do you think your doing?!'


I call

They stop arguing both


I cover my mouth on what I'm seeing

Because I remember that my father died before I was born I just so him on the picture my mother gives me

I don't know this is to sudden


I step backwards

How did this happened?

I say I know because my mother told me my father died

"Listen... I.. I didn't want you to..."
He cannot continue on what he's going to say

"Your dead "
I say he didn't talk and look at me sadly

"What this woman talking about?"
The other guy said

"Let's talk this later we have to get away from here as soon as possible the police might caught us here"
The other one said

"We have to dispose this one first"
And point a gun at me

"Stop , cloud run!"
My father said

I did and run right away

I don't know what's happening but I have to get out of here right now

I heard a gunshot again

I have to run and get away

I have to find out how and why is my father is alive and why he didn't tell us that he still  alive

I have to leave this place I have to tell my mother about this

But I've not far away when I feel a sting pain in my stomach

I got shot in my stomach it's bleeding

Kneel on the ground and feel like I couldn't move anymore


I can't move , it's hurts me


Someone shout my name

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