chapter 43

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She shout and look at the shabby place

"Where am I?"
Carina ask

"Your in my house"

She fall on the ground

Cloudia say

"What happened?"
Carina ask

"You happen"
Cloudia said while brushing her teeth.

Carina said

"Your drunk last night and since I don't know where's your home I brought you here "
Carina look at her wearing right now

"I changed you ,you vomit last night so I changed it ,fix yourself will going to  eat breakfast my parents is waiting"
Cloudia said before going into the bathroom again

After that happened Carina and cloudia became close to them to

Now Carina, cloudia, Ronaldo,ranna and joey become inceperatable best friends

All them five and becomes each other's hands

But they life turn upside down and will ruined their friendship that they build

"What's happening?"
Ronaldo asked he's father just call him right Away and he doesn't know why

"I don't know either, your father just called me here too"
Carina said

Carina's parents and Ronaldos father is here
He's father invite all the people

"Thank you ,thank you for coming here and I'm glad and happy that your all of you guys are here "
My father said while talking on the mic

Ronaldo new he's father was up on something but he doesn't know what is it

Ronaldo saw he's boyfriend joey on the crowd and cloudia too and her parents Ronaldo don't know what's going on

He looks at his father

What are you trying to do?

He's father said give him a meaningful look and look at the crowd once again

"I invited all of here because I want you to know and I want you to all know that my son Ronaldo Mendez and Carina will get married soon and you all invited to their soon be wedding please give around of a plause for my son and my soon daughter in law"
People around us clapped

"Congratulations "

"Wooooh congratulations miss Carina and mister Ronaldo!"

Many people shout but Ronaldo remain he's look on joey

He's hurt the most

Joey left at the party

And Ronaldo was about to follow them

But he's father stopped him

"Try me son and I will not hesitate to do something that you wouldn't want to happen"
He's father warn him

"Sir Mendez can we talk"
Carina barge in them

Carina give Ronaldo a look and that's when Ronaldo leaves right away

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