chapter 2

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"How dare you do that huh?! Didn't you even think what will people said because of what you've than?!"

her father said rain didn't even say anything after her father slap her

her face is swollen after the slap

"Wha did I even do?"she ask her father while giving him a smug smirk in the face

"What? You asking me that stupid question when you know what have you really than huh?!"

Her father try to come up with her when they here a noise

"try to hit my grand daughter again and I will make sure that will be you're last Ronaldo Mendez "

"this has nothing do with you dad ,this is between my daughter and me "rain Father said

before looking back again to rain

"Yes it has Ronaldo so you must stop here now"rain grandfather said

"Did you even know what you're favorite granddaughter did huh dad?"her father pointing her while gone mad

"Yes I know but didn't you even ask you're daughter why she did that"

Rain Father cannot even believe of what her grandma said

"Seriously dad ?"Rain Father said 'Ronaldo'

"Stop Ronald , let's go"her wife stop her

"I can't believe that even what your favorite granddaughter done you still defendering her "Ronaldo said before leaving with her wife

"Here have some ice pack "her grandma said and giving her an ice pack

"I'm sorry "rain said to her grandpa she cannot even look at her grandpa

"Are you ok?"her grandpa worried ask

she just nod her head

"What a liar"her grandpa sit beside her in the big couch on their living room


"I know you're not "she tap her shoulder and let rain head rest in her shoulder

"I'm sorry I disappoint you again ,grandpa"Rain feel a shame of what did happened in her grandfather 60th anniversary of the company

her grandma didn't say anything but to deep breath

"No you did not my child,you did you're Best I know so don't let yourself down ok, did you already forget that I said to you that--

-a Mendez is not a weak but weak when love and family comes "
RAIN said for her grandma

her grandfather laugh because of what she said

"You always remember that"her grandfather before comp her hair

"But still I feel a little bit down you know,again my father--"
she got interrupt when her grandpa shake he's head

"Shhh don't, just don't mind you're father "RAIN smiled because of her grandpa

when she feel a little down her grandpa always there to light up the mood

RAIN MENDEZ is the youngest child of Ronaldo Mendez

rains family is the most powerful billionaire, their family own many branches inside and out of the country side

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