chapter 28

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"Quit it Cath let me go now"while my annoying friend still made fun of me I caught a familiar person

"Hey you okay?"she ask

"Yeah I'm fine it's just that I think I saw someone familiar but I don't know maybe I'm just thinking to much"

Cath just nod before changing the subject

"So when we're you going to celebrate you're friend monthsary?"

I looked at her dump founded when she ask

"Monthsary?"I ask

She nod and look at me and her eyebrows both got up like she's confused too

"Wait?! Didn't you know?I mean you said that you've been together for almost a month now but you didn't even celebrate your first day as a couple?"

I just shake my head

"And weeksary?"

And again I shrugged my both shoulders

Do we even need that

"I can't believe you ! Baby cupcake!"she said and got up of her sit and start acting like she had a headache in her head

"Why ? Do we even need that?"her eyes wide open and look at me
like I ask the most dumpest thing

"Of course! You need that? That's the Proof of your relationship of love my god !Rain you're not even slow you're even super duper dump person I ever met and I ever have how do I even friends with you"

She whisper the last sentence

I didn't Know

Probably because this is my first relationship and to a girl

"So what are you thinking now? what's your plans about it ?"she sat beside me again

"I--I Don't know, I mean..this is my first ever relationship and I didn't know how to do this and how to make it right you know like she will be surprised"

I just heavy sign when I don't know what to do

"And probably cloud doesn't know to right my goodness you to is still innocent but not to innocent after you did--


"Ouch why you it my lip's it hurt you know?!"

She hit me to but in my shoulder

I did tell her what happened but not the details

"What? That's the truth so ?"

"Just keep your tone down"

I said while whispering to her side

"Like how?"

"J-just close your mouth"I said and give her a sign not to talk

She just hand her both up like she's giving up

While I'm busy talking to my friend my phone got start ringing and that's why I pick it up and answer it without looking to my phone screen


("H-hey it's me Kay")


I look at the phone number before answered it again

"How did you get my number?"I ask

("It doesn't really matter? But I think you need to get in here right now ")

She ask her voice looks like she's uncomfortable and scared? why?

"Why ?"

I can't leave I'm waiting for her

To cloud

She said she will fetch me here I'm my room

("Just come here in the first floor in hallway in front of our canteen ")

"Jus tell or else I'm not going"

She sign before answering me

("You're brother is here and she's talking to cloud right now and I can't interfere because looks like they talking a serious matter ")

I hung up the phone and took my bag of me and was about to leave when Cath grab my arm to stop me from leaving

"What happened?"

"Raven happened and he's talking to cloud right now ,you know I tell you too that raven know now ,our relationship right?"

She let go my arm

"Go find them"

She didn't ask anything she knows it and let me go

I'm exhausted from running right now but I will not stopped I have to see her

I have to

I didn't dare to stop to run and I run and run as fast as I can

I need to see her

I need to know of she's fine

I know my brother




She look so tired

Wait did she just run?

I'm worried

She came to our direction and stand beside me

"What are you even doing here?"
She coldly ask her brother

"What do you think?"

Her brother ask

"Think Rain "her brother talk again

"I don't know, mind to tell me BROTHER?"

She ask and even call her brother

"To stop you for being like that "

"Like what?"

"For being gay for fuck sake?! Stop acting like a stupid person ofr once RAIN?!! You don't even know what are you doing?"

I may not know what's happening and not know but I'm good at observing my surrounding

And I know that she's not getting along with her family even her own brother

"Stop this nonsense right now?"her brother said while pointing a finger on her

"NO! You stop it?!"she shouted on her brother face

"What did you say?!"

She was about to go with her brother when I stopped and hold her hand

She look at my direction,I just shake my head slowly to give her a signaled to stop and don't do anything

I look at the direction of her brother witch is in front of us

"I don't care of what you're going to say ,even you tell her to stop to seeing me I will not stop to be with her ,and even if you tell me and scared me and threatened the shit out of me I don't care I will not stop to stay and do everything I can to be with her because I love her "

I said and look him with my serious and determination eyes

"Love? Do you even know that?huh? your both girls!,both woman! How will you know that you're in love?and how you even know that you're really in love with my sister?!"

I look at Rain face for a minute before lookin at her brother

"I just know and I don't need to explain myself or to anyone being in love is not all about a women and a men being in relationships,but all I know that I'm not letting go of this woman beside me "


Her brother was to stunned to speak and speches

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