chapter 20

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"This place is beautiful"she said I looked at her direction and I  sipped at the green tea that I ordered

"Dada I want this ?" Becca pointed her finger to a strawberry cake
In my plate

"No,kid to much sweet for you can have you a cavities on your teeth"

I said

"But I want to eat it"she poutedly said and cross her arms cutely

Were inside  of a restaurant

We've been walking outside for an hour we got tired and we rest here

"Mom"she called rain

"Cloud?"she said and look at me like she's telling me that let the child do what her want

"No, Rain you ordered her a chocolate cake and you even give her a caramel smotty,you let her have sweet's to much it may give her a diarrhea and a teeth caveties so No"

I said seriously said

I don't have a siblings or a child to take care of but I don't like the idea that the kids this day's is being spoiled to much to the point that where they acting like a real spoiled brat kid

"But mom--

Rain look at Becca and said to her gentle

"You're dada cloud is right , your eating to much sweet baby and it's bad to your health,you don't want to be sick or getting sick right?"

She stroked Becca's hair

"Yes,I don't want to "Becca Said

"Were do you want to go after this?"Rain ask and looked at me

"I don't know? I'm not familiar to this country so ,you lead the way you know"

I said to her ,she smiled and nodded her head


We go around all of the places here in England and rain she was my tour guide ,she oftenly telling about the history about this country

We did go to the museum


Go to the park

We did go to all the places, all day

"Did you enjoy it?"she ask me we're here at the leak I don't know which part of the place of this in England

But I don't care anymore why? Because the place that I really want to stay is here in front of me

My comfort

My home

My everything

My girlfriend

My love

My other half

My life



the place that I want to stay forever

Is in her side

" You Didn't even listen I've been talking here for an like two hours you know? "

I smile while looking at her natural beauty

"I'm listening it's just that I've been caught up of your beauty "

I honestly and sincerely said to her

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