chapter 29

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"Are you okay?"she asked while we walking at the park

After we have a conversation to her brother we skip at school
I know how much herself got tired and drain at everything but she's still worried about me and even ask me if I was okay

"I'm sorry"she said her hold on my hand tightened when she said that

"You're sorry for what?"I ask while we're walking at park

"For what happened a minute ago ,I'm sorry you see me like that in that situation,I really don't want you to see me like that"
She said

I stop from my track after she said that and since we both hold in hand she stop too

She look at me


I pulled her and hug her

"You don't need to be sorry and don't ever feel sorry for something that you didn't do "I said while making her calm

I know she's to emotional right now but all I can do for her ?is stay and make her feel that she's love and safe

She also hug me she in circle around her both arms around my waist

I kiss her forehead

"Still I'm sorry I know you've been surprised at everything and that happen? Me ,you and my brother"
She said

I just hug her more tight I feel like she needs a lot of comfort other than me

"It's fine I will not ask you if your okay? But all I can say no matter what happened? I'm going to stay here beside you ,I'll be you're safe place ,I'll be you're comfort zone if you feel like you cannot handle anything anymore and I will be you're shoulder that you will cry on if you think that you're tears is to heavy to handle, I'll be here I will not promise anything to you but I will do anything just to keep my word "

I said she broke off to our hug and look me

"Please don't leave me "

She begged while her tear's started to fall I just wipe it with my thumb and kiss her eye

And whisper from her air

"Never "I said before bend down a little to kiss her lip's

"Hey don't be to nervous cloud"Kay said

Today is our first monthsary and I'm going to surprised her along with her closed friend's and mine

"I can't help it I don't know if she will like it you know?and my surprised to her ? It's to simple what if she didn't like it?"I love at Kay in my side

"Tsk just believe in yourself, she's happy at anything that you will give to her and she will even happy very much even it's simple "


"I hope so "

I stop on what I'm I doing when I hear a sound of a person walking at my direction and then I saw her

She's Standing there not to far away from us her eyes were have a blindfold

"She's here, just all you're Best shot Men"she took out of her guitar and start to hum the strand

We're going to sing a song for her

I'll be the one who's going to sing a song

I hold my mic before start to sing

"I still wonder if this is a dream 🎶🎶

That someone like you will stand here with me 🎶

Look into your eyes I still get butterfly 🦋 🎶

Ooh my is like a dream

I'm not perfect but somehow it's you 🎶

Who's still love me but yes it is true

You Make my heart flow's more than you ever know 🎶

And joy is right here this flow

So I wanna hold you tight

And tell you that

Oh~honey I'll be with you by your side 🎶

Forever be mine

You are the brightest star in the sky

Whatever you do 🎶

I'm always here for you~

There be no more blues , cause you fulfilled my life 🎶🎵

"Love " I called she's crying while she's unfolding her own eyes

"Happy first monthsary and I hope that even it's just simple I hope I did and do make you happy with this "

She hold her lip's to stopping herself to hiccup

I signaled to Kay to give me the bouquet of flowers and she obey me and give me the flowers

"Love ,I know I tell you this to many times and I will tell you this again and again I love you ,I love you so much ,I love you more than you ever know and I love you with all my heart and love RAIN MENDEZ I love you so much!"

I said whil still holding the mic and the bouquet of flowers I'm planning to give her

I was about to go to her direction when she ran to me and jumped off me but good thing I catch her

"I love you,I love you,I love you ,I love you so much ! CLOUD PEREZ"

After she said that she grabbed my nape and kiss me
I was shocked because I'm always the one who intimate the kiss but this is the first time that she did this

All of around the people was clapping and saying congratulations of our monthsary

"Wohoo congrats!"

"That's my best friend!"

We broke of to our kisses and looked the people around us
Rain got shy all of a sudden and hide herself from my neck

What a baby

I can't help but to secretly smile and kiss her cheek before saying thank you to her

"Thank you for coming to my life "
I whisper but she just smiled at me and said

"No I'm the one who supposed to be thankful because god make me end up with someone like you ,and I'm thankful of that always and I really love you "

She sado and kiss my cheek too and again the

People around us keep cheering at us and shouting our regards to our relationship

"let's go?"I ask she just nod we just run to the scene

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