chapter 18

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"wow ,you just in a minute that your nervous but look at you ?you looks like a don't sims to care " Kay talk while she's busy driving her yellow firrari

"Piss off Kay "I said to shut her mouth she's talking to much

"Fine"she simply said

I ask Kay to come with me bacause I don't want to be uncomfortable and to be alone

I need someone or person I know to be there for me although I don't need to but I have too

"Wait do you perhaps already bought a gift to your girl?"she ask me

"Yes"I hide my smile and look outside from her window

The night is beautiful like her

"We're here"Kay stated and got out from her car and I also did

"Hope there's a chick's in here you know?"Kay playfully ask and wink at me

"Shut up and just follow me "I said


"What the...? Where's everyone?"I look to all around of the restaurant

"Looks like it's close"I said and was about to go out of the restaurant

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" I was shock when lights turn on and all of a sudden they came out of nowhere

"The heck!"I shout because I almost had a heart attack

"Happy birthday baby cupcake"my my friend Cathy came up to me and kiss me on the cheek's

I look at her puzzled

But wait what?

"Today is my birthday?"I ask

What even the day is it?

"See ? You totally forgot it "Cathy said

"Okay okay enough,now blow the candle first and make a wish"Ryle said

I look to all around the corner and every part of this restaurant but that one I'm looking for is not here

Shit I didn't even tell her that today is My birthday

And today is really shit day too because I totally forgot my own birthday

I just signed

"Don't worry that person you're looking for is will definitely come" Cathy wisper to me and wink

I closed my eyes before blowing the candle in the cake

"So what did you wish for?"Cathy ask excitedly

I smiled at her and then say

"Secret "and look outside of the restaurant


"Seriously cloud? Why are we even hiding I thought we're going in now?"Kay said

I look at her in my usual cold stare

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