chapter 27

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"Hey what's you're problem you've been looking at you're girlfriend picture and you look like a crazy psycho who's obsessed with One person you know ?and it's scared the hell out of me "

I just look at her with my usual poker face and bord look and look at the picture on my phone

"Just shut up and mind you're own business"I said

I even more happy when she massage me,I send a chat to her and send a stickers

"Wow! But when I'm the one who's send you a massage you're just seen me what am I? Bro?"

"If you not going to shut your mouth I'm going to stab you with my fork"

I warn her and look at my phone screen and send a massage

Want to go somewhere after school?

My love 😘💕

I smile when she sent me a message

"She just said okay why so happy bout that?"I hit her head with my hand after she said that

"Ouch! Bro that's hurt you know?"she said while scratch her head where did I hit her

What me to bought you something?
Foods? Water or orange juice ,anything?

I ask

My love 😘💕

I almost jump of my sit after she Send it

"What the ?"

All of the students in the canteen look at my direction

"What hte hell cloud you almost ruined my new shirt"Kay said

Don't say that if you didn't mean it

My love 😘💕
I mean it ❤

I bowed my face in the table to hide myself
Cause right now I'm flutter and my heart?I feel like it will going to explode any moment because of the happiness I felt inside of me

"Wow I guess CLOUD PEREZ is really something when she's in love to much cheesy in love damn bro , your crazy in love and one more thing? your definitely messed up "Kay said


I smile after I send the massage

"Wow you really much happy"Cath said while eating her potato chips in my side

"You stop it and what are even doing here inside of my school your not even a student here "I said

"And so what? The daughter of this school is my best friend so what I do whatever I want you know"

She said like she doesn't care

And she's talking about me I'm the daughter who own the this school

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