chapter 13

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"So what's the problem you got now ma friend?" Kay ask

I stop banging my head on the cold wall

"I did a terrible thing that, I didn't think that I will do"
I seriously said while looking at no where

"Like what did you....? Perhaps you robbed a bank?!"
She shout

I glare at her for her being so stupid and slow Witt person

Can't even believe that this idiot is actually my friend

"Enough,you know what you're not helping me"  I grab my bag and was about to leave when she stop me

"I was just kidding ma friend sit please" I sat just like she ask

"Tell what did you do?" She ask and sit straight and look at me with straight face

She's serious now

"*Sign*" I started to tell her everything

"So basically you two and that girl name Rain had a kinda hook ups"

"That's not what I said"

"But in you're story that's the point of view that I see " she said

"I just don't know what I got to do because she has already a lover"

She look at me for a minute and a moment

"And besides you know that I don't like getting involved at other people business"

"But you already did,here you are breaking the rules that you already made , what you gonna about that now?"

I look outside and see people of the field walking, talking to each of their friends, people sitting at the bench studying

Me and Kay is in the second floor in the lab class it's break time so we're at the lab

I just hope I'm like those people not afraid to lose everything a normal people,a person who really want to do what actually really want in life

But either those thoughts for me is complicated

look at her

"Stick with my own rule and do back in my daily routine in life "

"But can you do it?" She want to make sure

I nod and look outside of our School

I can't risk everything in this estate of mine

"I just hope you can " she shake her head like she cannot believe on what did I say


"Fuck! Cathy are you trying to kill me ,you always came out of nowhere"

"I miss you too my baby cupcake"

I closed the door of my room and lay down on my bed

She followed me in my bed and sit there

"So what's the real score between you and that cloud the ice"

I look at her like are you serious right now-look

"Me and her? n-nothing" I look away I feel like my cheek's is burning and I don't Know why

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